College will be the best years of your life they said. College would be fun they said.
Despite the many claims that may be true, about the joys of college, it can also be a very stressful time of your life as well. Assignments, readings, essays, exams, pile up around you as the pressure of your future looms in the balance. While that may seem slightly dramatic, many college students report to be, tired, stressed and anxious. While these symptoms are just attributed with the college lifestyle, they do not need to contain your emotional and mental health. Here are a few ways to ensure you are maintaining a healthy balance of self-care and studies.
1. Exercise.
Exercising improves overall health, happiness, and helps you fall asleep better at night. It also improves your physique. Having a positive image increases focus on studies, as poor body image increases stress and distracts the mind from focusing for long periods of time.
2. Hydrate.
My mother always used to tell me to hydrate. But it is all so true. Drinking enough water reduces headaches and improves overall body function. The brain is also a majority of water. In order for your brain to function at its highest level, it needs to be properly supplemented.
3. Socializing.
Being isolated accelerates depression and stress. Having a good social network improves mental function, and mood. It also creates a goof support network for when you are stressed from work. It also allows you to go out and take a break, have some fun. The mind needs a break. A few hours of enjoying yourself, and spending time with friends, is okay!
4. Sleep.
With not enough sleep, the body cannot fully repair itself of daily use and function. Sleep allows the mind to retain more information from studying too. Feeling fully rested increases alertness and focus.
5. Make a list.
Knowing you have a ton of things to do, with little time, can be very overwhelming. Creating a list, and dividing it into daily tasks, allows you to focus on step by step. Becoming overwhelmed and worrying about all your other responsibilities, takes away focus from your current task. Better focus= better efficiency.
6. Treat yourself.
If you completed so many goals, or did well on your last exam- celebrate. Treat yourself to an ice cream, or a movie, or a night out. Creating goals with a reward will help you maintain a vision and stay determined.
7. Alone time.
Give yourself alone time. No books. No notes. Give yourself time to collect your thoughts, think, relax and unwind. Often times we are running from activity to activity, our mind is always on full speed. It needs time to slow down. Having alone time gives you time to reflect, and sometimes just veg.
Life is like a cup. You are constantly pouring yourself into your work, relationships, and life. You can’t pour if your cup is empty. Give yourself the time to refill so you never run out of what life has for you.