You know that friend in the group that always bails on plans or disappears for weeks? No? Then that's probably you. You and I are a lot alike and I like to call us the loner.
1. You go to the mall alone.
Usually, when you go to the mall, you go alone. Whereas, when your group of friends go, it's an outing. You don't feel the need to have your posse in tow when you're trying to get in and get out of your favorite stores.
2. You go out to eat alone.
Eating alone is your favorite thing. There's no one there to judge you for your table matters...or lack of. Who needs friends when you have food?
3. When all of your friends are hanging out, you choose to stay in and watch Netflix.
When asked to hang out, your response is "it depends when my episode of ___ ends." If you're like me, that answer has stopped working because your friends are done with that.
4. You never have a strong desire to hang out with friends because you'd rather be home.
Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but I have a stronger desire for some "me" time.
5. When you are with friends, you want to go home.
I have fun hanging out with my friends bur there's nothing better than being in the comfort of your home.
6. Most of your conversations are with your cat.
My cat is the best listener and definitely the cutest. Sometimes I just need to rant, without an unwanted response.
7. You have no problem going somewhere alone.
Late night drives by yourself is one of the best things out there. Personally, I'd rather go somewhere alone to have my thoughts to myself.