Midterms and finals are slowly creeping up on us, and we all know what that means. Tears, no sleep, and lots of coffee. But no fear my fellow student, here are some ways to keep sane during this stressful time. And kick that midterm or final right in the butt!
1. Organization
Midterms and finals are very hectic, sometimes having more than one test in a day. It is very vital that you maintain your organization. So how to keep organized? Well, keeping important papers in folders or binders. Buying a planner and religiously writing in it. Even having some kind of list or checkoff list of things that you need to do.
2. Sleeping
I think when studying or writing essays we tend to pull all nighters. Not good folks! You need to have sleep to keep that mind sharp and alive. You really should not be waiting until the night before to study. It is even psychological proven! Setting up study sessions in the night time is the best, because it is optimal time for concentration and staying alert. By having increments of studying throughout weeks heightens memory recall. When you get to your test you are able to recall topics that you studied.
3. Taking Study Breaks
It's great to take the time to allow your brain to relax. Stepping away from the books or laptop screen, and getting something to eat or taking a quick nap. Eating food is really important because it gives you energy, and keeps you awake.
4. Using Highlighters and Flashcards
This can really help you with studying. Highlighting key terms and writing down terms that are important. With flashcards you can really write key words and definitions.
5. Drink Water
We all turn to coffee to keep us awake or alive. But water does the same thing. Water is a refreshing drink, it also prevents dehydration. Anything with caffeine, actually does the opposite effect on you. Drinking coffee and soda will give you an extra rush of energy, but you crash very easily after. If you want something with a little more favor, I would suggest decaffeinated tea, that will keep you very relaxed.
6. Keeping Focus
Especially, when you have a lot of finals or midterms to study for. Focus on one subject at a time. When you think you got one subject down pact move on to the next subject or alternate. This decreases your likelihood to get even more stressed out or overwhelmed.
7. Having a Study Buddy
Getting somebody who is going to take the same test as you, its good to swap notes. Or quiz each other on topics. You are less likely to feel alone, and give up on study if you have a diligent study partner.