Summer vacation is here! However, being out of school does not mean you have to sit at home all summer in front of the TV binge-watching Netflix while eating a bag of Doritos. Finding new ways to stay active and keep your mind stimulated while you are not in school can be one of the healthiest things you can do this summer for your mind and your body. So here is my list of seven ways you can keep your mind active and your brain growing this summer.
1. Travel somewhere new.
Traveling somewhere new exposes you to new places, new cultures, and new activities. Getting not only out of the house, but the state, or even the country will not only be fun and a great way to spend your summer, but also keep your mind stimulated.
2. Read a book.
Opening yourself up to a new novel that you find interesting exposes you to new literary worlds. So head to your local library or bookstore this summer and pick up a couple of books that look interesting to you.
3. Go for a hike.
Maybe you do not have enough money to take a trip this summer. No worries! Going for a hike either on a local trail or driving a few hours away is a quick and easy way to get out of your house and stay active this summer. Hiking is not only good for your body physically, but being out in nature and away from your phone and your laptop is healthy for your brain as well.
4. Get a job.
Whether it is lifeguarding at your local pool, walking dogs, babysitting, or working at your local grocery store, staying busy and working is a great learning experience and a great way to keep your mind active while making a little extra money too.
5. Learn a new language.
The summer is a perfect time to start learning that language you always wished you could speak. Maybe you have been wanting to brush up on your Spanish you never really did learn in High School or maybe you are feeling a little crazy and want to learn a language such as Russian or Japanese. Whatever it may be, learning a new language is a great way to expand your mind over the summer
6. Volunteer.
Take some time this summer to get out and give back to your community. Whether it is volunteering at your local animal shelter, public library, or soup kitchen, volunteering is a great way to help out others in your community and also keep your mind active.
7. Take up a new hobby.
Taking up a new hobby is a great way to spend your summer. Buy a used camera and brush up on your photography skills or go to your local craft store and pick up some supplies to make a scrapbook, learn how to knit, or go out fishing with your dad. Whatever hobby or activity you choose, it is sure to stimulate your mind more than that video game you were planning on playing.
So what are you waiting for? Get out and get active!