We've all been there: you come home after a long, awful day, and maybe all you want to do is cry. Having a bad day every now and then is inevitable, and it can often be caused by factors out of our control. I've learned that even though life happens and things aren't perfect, there are always things you can do to stay positive.
Learning to live in the moment and let go of things that give you a negative mindset are keys to living a happy life. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your emotions and feelings, whether they be negative or positive. Having bad days are an unfortunate reality of life, but here are some things you can do to assure that you almost always have a great day.
1. Stay organized
Speaking from personal experience, my worst days often happen when I'm super stressed out. Letting things pile up rather than staying organized and ahead of things never turns out well, so make sure you're keeping up with your to-do list.
2. Take care of yourself
Taking care of yourself means making sure you're drinking plenty of water, eating enough, exercising, taking time for yourself, and surrounding yourself with positive people and experiences.
3. Sleep
As a college student, sleep is often sacrificed. Rather than pulling all-nighters or staying up all night watching Netflix, make sure you're getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep often makes me grumpy and irritable, and never ends in a good day.
4. Be kind to other people
Even if someone says something snarky to you, or disrespects you, it's important to always be respectful and kind. Don't let people walk all over you by any means, but letting others' negative vibes drag you down is a sure way to have your day ruined.
5. Don't hold on to negative emotions
Letting a bad day turn into a bad week because you are holding a grudge or can't let go of negativity is disastrous. Learning to pick your battles and move on is super important when it comes to staying positive and happy.
6. Set up a routine
For me, having a routine means my days don't become overwhelming. I always schedule downtime for myself in order to reboot after a long day, but also make sure I have time to do the things I need to get done.
7. Plan ahead
Planning ahead goes hand in hand with staying organized, and ensures that you're not falling behind last minute.