Starting college can be an extremely stressful time of the year, especially when you have to start to getting back into your homework routine. Sometimes the stress of all of the homework looming over your head gets overwhelming. This feeling that you experience then affects your ability to do homework and the quality of your work. There are a few things you can do to help deal with school-realted stress and alleviating it. Here are a few:
1. Make a Schedule
Start with the things that happen at fixed times and then fill in the gaps with study time, breaks, and so on.
2. Find a Place To Work
Find a place that is distraction free where you can work and study effectively.
3. Get Enough Sleep
Make sure that you are getting enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can increase stress.
4. Eat Well
Eating unhealthy foods can decrease energy levels which then can lead to increased stress levels.
5. Exercise
Exercise is proven to help reduce stress. Find something you enjoy doing.
6. Breathe
Calm down and just practice deep breathing for a little while. It can help you relieve all of your built up tension. Breathe in through your nose, hold it for a while, and exhale out through your mouth.
7. Have Support
Have someone who you can talk to about your stress. They should be a supportive and encouraging person.