Moving back home after being a college is tough. After living on your own for the entirety of the semester, you find it hard to live with your parents again. You can no longer stumble into your apartment at three in the morning or have friends over all night. You now have to relearn what it is like to answer to someone and abide by his or her rules. By the end of the first week you are already tired of your parents and you are ready to move back into your dorm.
To be fair your parents did raise you and provide for you. However it is only fair to annoy them just as much as they annoy you when you move back home. There are seven very simple steps in bothering your parents as much as possible when moving back home for winter break.
1. Leave your unpacked clothes in their living room.
At first they will think you are just adjusting to being back home. After a couple of days they will start asking you to try to unpack them. After a week they will beg you to move them. After two weeks they will be so disgusted with the look of them that they will put them in your room.
2. Make sure to leave a drop of milk or juice in the container and put it back in the fridge.
They will ask if you were the one that left a drop of juice and you will blame it on your brother.
3. Blame everything on the cat.
If you leave your shoes on in the house simply say that the cat must have gotten into mud. If you accidentally leave the kitchen light on, tell them that the cat had to get a midnight snack. Works every time
4. Take a longer shower every time they tell you that your shower was too long.
This one will really piss them off but it is effective. Also next time they take a shower time them and if they are over 10 minutes start screaming at them to get out.
5. Leave your shoes in the middle of the kitchen floor.
When you mom gets mad at you for leaving one pair of shoes in the kitchen then place 4 or 5 pairs in the middle of the kitchen floor while she is sleeping. This will be the greatest gift she will receive when she wakes up.
6. When they ask you do chores tell them you don't actually live there.
Technically you live in your house but you also live in your dorm so really they can't argue with this one.
7. Spend so much time with them that they want you to move back to college.
This one always works. If you want to go out late they will say yes just to get you to leave them alone.
Really we are just glad our parents let us move back at all. However we can't let them think having us home is fun or they will never let us leave.