I absolutely love Boston University, but I absolutely hate when finals week comes around each semester. If you're a sane person, you know that studying frantically and all night isn't healthy mentally or physically. Here are some of my favorite things to do to keep calm and stay safe this finals season.
1. Stop drinking so much caffeine!!
We all know the detrimental effects of caffeine (ask me about them, I took a Drugs & Behavior class this semester), so why does everyone feel the need to pound coffee after coffee and Red Bull after Red Bull?? Pavement Coffeehouse has a sign outside telling people to try their new cold brew, but promote unhealthy habits by saying "got 3 hours of sleep last night? Have a 20 page paper due tomorrow? Try our new cold brew!" How is this healthy!!?! And don't even get me started on abusing Adderall. That's a whole different story.
2. Get at least 6 hours of sleep
Our bodies need sleep and sleep is a beautiful thing. How do you expect the 16 lectures you just studied to stick in your mind when you haven't slept more than 4 hours?? Hint: it won't. And just because the library is open 24 hours every day during the week, doesn't mean you need to spend the whole week there!! Aim for 6 hours of sleep each night and stop drinking caffeine 8 hours before you plan on hitting the hay.
3. Change of scenery
This might come as a surprise, but changing where you study stimulates your brain more and helps with recall. Whether it's at Starbucks one day or in a quiet corner of the library the next, you'll feel happier and more motivated to study.
4. Stop what you're doing when you start to stress
There's been plenty of times when I've literally had to get up and walk away from what I'm reading or looking at because I start to stress myself out. A quick walk or a step outside for fresh air helps clear the mind and can even give a different perspective. Sometimes this is the best way to get through 80 pages of lecture notes.
5. Self-care love
I've already planned out my self-care for the week and I'm SO EXCITED!! I'm going to puppy therapy with my roommates, I'm planning on making a super awesome meal, I've got crafts to do and presents to make. These things are like my rewards for finishing studying but also a really fun break between long study sessions. Find something you love and plan it in-between studying!! You'll feel relaxed and ready for the rest of the day.
6. Pack some snacks
I'm a huge proponent of snacking. I love snacks. It's probably bad, but oh well!! Knowing you have a snack in your bag for later is a great way to reward yourself for studying, too. Otherwise, sometimes you get so wrapped up in studying that you don't realize it's 8 PM and you haven't eaten dinner. That way, you don't have to get up and can keep going if you're on a roll, but your tummy starts to rumble.
7. Remind yourself you'll do great!!
One thing I always, always, always remind myself (and others) is that grades DO NOT DEFINE YOU!!! It's a hard thing to remember or even come to terms with, but you'll never be defined by a letter grade or a percentage. You're a shining star and whatever happens after the exam, won't matter 10 years from now. Believe in yourself and believe in the knowledge you have!!!