Finals week has finally come to an end and it definitely was a ride. Staying up till the crack of dawn studying, binge eating comfort food, stressing out so much that you even think you have lost a bit of your sanity. Now that all of the tests and papers are done and over with, it is time to kick back and start your summer. Recovering from finals can take some time, but here are some tips to help you unwind:
1. Forget About It
You’re finals are done and over with. Don’t stress over them now. Stay positive because you know you kicked that final’s butt. Positivity is the key to the beginning of recovering finals.
2. Catch Some Z's
You probably are on some weird sleeping schedule right now because of studying until the crack of dawn. Take some time to catch up on sleeping. Make sure you get a full night’s worth of sleep. So, go get comfy and hibernate for a while. I am sure that your friends and family will understand.
3. Treat Yourself
Take some time for yourself and relax. You have worked your butt off and it is time to relax and feel like yourself again and not like the stressed out college student you were recently. Take a nice hot shower, go drink some tea or coffee, or get a massage if you want. Do whatever helps you relax, whether it be taking a nap or gaming until your fingers start to cramp up. You deserve this relaxation time.
4. Get Outside
Go get some vitamin D! Go for a nice walk or just lounge around outside. You'll be able to start working on your summer tan while you're out there. Soak up the sun, but remember to wear sunblock and re-apply if you plan on staying out there for a while.
5. Exercise
Get out there and stay active. Exercising reduces stress and will make you feel better. Whether you go to the gym, go for a run, or attend a yoga class, go get your blood pumping and remember to keep yourself hydrated!
6. Spend Some Time With Your Friends
Whether you commute or live on campus, you are going to want to reconnect with a lot of your friends. Plan some days to see each other and go on some adventures! I bet you guys are going to have a lot to catch up on.
7. Enjoy Your Summer
You did it! Another semester is in the books. Enjoy every second of the summer because soon enough, it will be time for the fall semester to roll around.