Sometimes things happen that are out of our control. Troubles creep in, plans don't go the way we would have them to, and suddenly everything feels wrong and you just want to ball up and cry. While this helps to an extent, at some point you've got to stand up and remember you are more than your problems.
However, if you're anything like me, your mind always drifts back to that pain and hurt. You constantly think about that thing even when you try your hardest not to.
While they may not be a permanent cure for your problems, I have found a few temporary fixes that might help get your mind off that pain (and maybe even put a smile on your face).
1. Watch a scary movie. (or a funny one if you want to sleep tonight)
2. Go on an adventure (even if it is to your local Walmart).
Whether it's a planned out hiking trip with your squad in the mountains or a spontaneous midnight drive to Wendy's with your roommate for a frosty and some fries, it's going to be a good time.
3. Memes, memes, and more memes.
Who doesn't like memes? From caveman spongebob to evil kermit to JoeBama, you're guaranteed to at least crack a smile.
Laughter truly is the best medicine.
4. Retail therapy. (Even though you only have like 6 dollars in your bank account.)![]()
Hit up the grocery and walk down your favorite snack aisle. No one will judge you for buying 3 boxes of pop-tarts (except maybe your body.) Also, never underestimate the power of trying on new clothes. Window shopping has the same effect as actual shopping, minus the bill! Seriously, even if you don't have the money to buy them, go try on those jeans that make your butt look good. Spend hours in Ulta looking at makeup and pretending you know how to apply it. Go to Hobby Lobby and pretend you know how to do arts and crafts. You'll feel great in the moment. (Make sure you have someone with you to restrict you from spending all of your money though because that will just cause you more problems later...)
5. Have a late night jam session.![]()
Scream that Beyonce song at the top of your lungs. Sing your favorite Disney song in the shower. Watch a dance tutorial video on youtube. Memorize all the lyrics to every One Direction song ever. I promise it will be better than spending your night awake in bed overthinking all your problems.
6. Pick up a new hobby.
Go for a run, ride a bike, learn how to sew. Teach yourself a new instrument. Paint on a canvas. Make some jewelry. The list could go on and on. When you decide to try something new, you are putting your thoughts and energy into that new thing rather than the problem you are trying not to think of. So, at the same time you are trying something new, you are forgetting about that pain. Win-win situation.
6(and 1/2). Ice cream.
Enough said.
7. Look outside and smile because you're still alive and it could always be worse.
Also, take a second to think about all the people who truly care about you and want to see you happy. You are loved.