I haven't always been confident.
In fact, I spent a lot of my life as an outsider, and it wasn't fun. I constantly felt left out and different than everyone else, so the easiest thing to do was to keep to myself. As I got older, I realized standing out was only a bad thing if I wanted it to be. I took control of my emotions and stopped letting other people's words and actions affect me so much.
I was fortunate not to be like everyone else. When someone commented on the way I dressed, talked or the music I listened to, I responded, "So you're making fun of me because I'm not exactly like you and all your friends who wear the same clothes, talk the same way and do all the same things? Uhh, okay."
Sure, I got a little sassy but that flare of sass is what makes confidence so enjoyable. You take pride in who you are and let other people know they're ignorant for trying to make you feel like the odd one out. I went from being a shy, bullied little girl to a 22-year-old woman who gets asked what makes me so happy all the time. A lot has changed, and I'm happy with who I am today.
Here are some of the ways I have built up my confidence over the years and you can too:
1. Quit unhealthy addictions.
Stop stalking female profiles and hating on them/wishing you were them. In fact, do yourself a favor and unfollow them. You can't appreciate yourself if you're busy coveting someone else's life.
2. Dress to impress...
...yourself. Not anyone else. When you're finished getting ready, you should look in the mirror and say, "Man I look good." In all seriousness, the way you look affects the way you feel. If you dress like a bum, you will most certainly feel like one. My mom always taught me to dress nicely because you never know who you'll meet. She's right, as always.
3. Fix your posture.
Make it a point to straighten your back and shoulders and look forward instead of down. People can perceive weakness just by your posture so this is key. Don't let people know you're not confident before they even meet you. In fact, don't let anyone know. Unless you're reaching out to a family member or friend, don't share your weaknesses with people. Which reminds me...
4. ...cut off fake friends.
Many times in life, people will pose as friends when in reality, they just want to be there to see you fail. Some people seem loyal on the surface, but they're not. They might be the voice telling you not to take risks, or that your toxic boyfriend is worth giving another chance. These "friends" very well could be damaging your confidence, especially if they're ones who make you doubt yourself. Get. Rid. Of. Them.
5. Speak up.
This is a hard one, and definitely easier said than done. However, if you're a fan of "The Office," then you know Pam summed it up perfectly during the finale. For those of you who aren't familiar with the show, Pam Beesly was an introvert who kept her thoughts to herself, and it kept her from being truly happy for many years, AKA the first few seasons of the show. She even remained engaged to a jerk for years before finally realizing her voice deserved to be heard.
Basically, life is short so you should trust and love yourself. That means doing what your heart desires, which leads me to the next step.
6. Designate goals.
I'm the most confident I have ever been because I know what I want in life, and I'm constantly working towards those goals. Goals give me purpose. They also get you back on track when you feel lost and out of place. What is it you want to do? Where do you want to be? What's most important to you? Figure it out and aim for the stars, you beautiful people.
7. Expand your knowledge.
Take the time to learn more about what you want from life. Do you care about being financially secure or retiring early? Read up on some personal finance books and find out what you could be doing better. If you want to own your own business, seek out successful entrepreneurs and ask for an informational interview. Ask about not only their success but also their mistakes and failures.
Knowledge is power. As you gain wisdom, you'll feel more confident in yourself.