7 Ways To Enhance Your Sensuality
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7 Ways To Enhance Your Sensuality

Find your inner sexy.

7 Ways To Enhance Your Sensuality
Erica McKinnon

Many of you know that our bodies are sensitive to touch and I mean really sensitive. I have come to this realization over the past couple months that the more I paid attention to my body, the more sensitive it actually is. Speaking from my own experience, I noticed certain things heighten my sensuality like a satin robe after a hot shower, reggae or sensual music that makes me want to move my body, drinking a glass of red wine or even writing erotic poetry. I have found 7 ways to enhance your sensuality which should give you chance to become more comfortable with your body as well as more aware.

1. Wear comfortable clothing.

When it comes connecting with your body, you have to be as comfortable as possible. In order to be comfortable and aware of your body, you have to wear the right clothes. Now, I know everyone has their preferences with what makes them feel comfortable whether it's loose clothing or tight clothing and it can even depend on the color and material of the clothing. It is completely up to you but as I stated before, I enjoy wearing satin material like a satin robe or a lace off the shoulder top because I enjoy the way it feels against my skin.

When you get some down time, light a few candles and lay against satin sheets or put on a satin robe to see how the material feels soft against your body. Think about rubbing your shoulders against the satin or even softly grazing your fingers over it. Do you feel your senses heighten?

2. Listen to sensual music.

I don't know about you, but music makes my body move! It's so enticing when you feel the vibration of the beats throughout your body. Imagine being on a dance floor of your favorite bar and your favorite song comes on. What's the first thing you do? Oh, I know the answer, you dance like there's no tomorrow. All of those bodily movements are a sense of passion that you need to express. Sensuality and music go hand and hand with one another and when you feel the rhythm of the beat, just get up and dance.

My favorite music genres are reggae, hip hop, R&B and so much more. Listening to music makes my body feel good and when your body feels good, you feel good, correct? Music helps you feel not only connected with your body but with the people and energy around you. Listen to your favorite song and feel the music in your body to the point you really feel your energy shift.

3. Being touched in ways that make you feel wanted.

Another way to enhance your sensuality is caressing your body, such as putting on body oil or lotion to smoothen out your skin. The way you caress your body displays how deeply connected you are with yourself. Body oil makes your skin feel soft as you lather your body up with it. The way you moisturize your thighs and smooth out your arms increases your senses not only to touch but also to smell.

The smell of your significant other or lover can enhance your senses especially when they know your body. For instance, the thought of your lover or significant other caressing you in your favorite body oil while wearing satin robe would do wonders to your sexiness.

4. Write erotic poetry.

As an aspiring writer, I write erotic poetry from time to time. It is a part of me that expresses my boldness and creativity and I love every moment of it. I express how I want my body to be caressed and loved on. The way writing erotic poetry has enhanced my sensuality as a woman, it makes me feel like I can do anything. The chills that travel up and down my spine when I think of how I want and deserve to be caressed is powerful. Isn't there power in a woman and man's sexual confidence?

It just takes a pen, a few pieces of paper and your thoughts to create magic. It can be poems as simple as "The peach fuzz on my flower stands erect when your hand hovers to pluck my petals #waiting."

5. Have a glass of wine.

A glass of wine won't hurt you right? A glass or two of your favorite wine will send your feeling of sexiness through the roof. There is no greater feeling like feeling your body temperature rise as you indulge in your favorite wine. A wine of choice I'd prefer to drink that enhances my sensuality is a California red wine called Menage a Trois. My first time drinking this wine, I felt some of my inner woman come out.

If you're into red, dry wine that has a semi-spicy taste to it, this wine is for you! Drink this wine after a long day of work where you need to relax your body or even drink it on romantic dinner date where meat and fruit are being served, it pairs perfectly together.

6. Create your mood.

There's something about candles that eases my body and the atmosphere around me. The smell of the candle lingering in the air as the heat adds a calming effect to the room. How do you create your mood to find your inner sexy? Do you find a pair of your favorite heels and strut across your bedroom floor? Do you find yourself gazing at yourself as you dance sensually in your bedroom mirror?

If you have answered "Yes" to all of these questions, then you're enhancing your sensuality by doing things that make you feel sexy and confident.

7. Listen to your body.

What does your body tell you? What does it want? What does your body need? Listening to your body is a challenge since everyone isn't in tune with their bodies as they desire to be but that is okay. This is why I wrote this article to help people that aren't connected with their body on a sensual level, to dig deep inside themselves and find their own inner sexy. It is important to know what makes you feel good.

I wrote a poem about a night my body felt like it was on fire after dancing with a guy I found attractive and when I tell you I didn't know what to do with myself, I didn't. My body was sweaty and the fluorescent lighting was shining against my skin and his. While the reggae music was flowing through me and as he was flowing with me, my body just felt like it was on fire. Now, after a few drinks you're feeling confident and you're favorite song comes on, you don't think your inner sexy will eventually come out? Mine did and I want yours to, as well, so if you want to find ways to find your inner sexy, check out this article and see what happens next!

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