Finals are approaching faster than anyone would like. The week of finals and the week before can be full of mixed emotions. Everyone is sad about leaving the oasis of college life for a few months but is also ready to be done with the stress of exams and papers. There are simple ways to relieve your stress so you can focus on doing well on your exams and enjoy your summer!
1. Take advantage of on-campus programming during and prior to finals week
There are always so many activities going on to help students relieve their stress. Even if you think it may not help you, go with some friends, and you may be surprised how helpful they are.
2. Exercise
Exercising is a great way to relieve your stress. It is also a good study break instead of watching an episode on Netflix. With the beautiful weather occurring right now, it is not hard to want to go for a quick jog outside.
3. Eat healthy foods
During finals, it is easy to slip up on your healthy track of meals. But it is important to keep your body full of healthy food to keep your brain alert. Your overall mood will be affected by what you eat.
4. Stay on the same sleep track
Everyone thinks that you never have time to sleep during finals, but that is only if you don't prepare. Start studying for your finals as early as you can so you are not pressed for time the week before.
5. Find a good study space
It is important to find a study space where you won't be too distracted but also where you won't feel trapped in a classroom all day. Studying with friends is always good too, but if it is more talking than studying, it would be beneficial to you to find a new place to study.
6. Use study groups
Study groups are a great way to test yourself on the material as well as find out new things that other students might think are important. Study groups shouldn't be your first time looking at the material, but it should be the last step to make sure you are understanding everything that will be on the exam.
7. Relax
Finals are supposed to be hard, and it is important to take them seriously, but it is not the end of the world if you don't do well on an exam, and that is important to remember when you are studying. Don't let the stress overload and cause you to not do well on your exams
It is important to remember to always try your best and put 100% into your studying because it is only a week of hard work and then you are on summer break. But it is also crucial to not let the stress get to you because that will cause you to do worse on your exams. As long as you are preparing in the right way, there should be no need to worry about your finals.