7 Ways The Concept Of Football Is A Metaphor For Life | The Odyssey Online
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7 Ways The Concept Of Football Is A Metaphor For Life

It helps people cope with their lives

7 Ways The Concept Of Football Is A Metaphor For Life
In the Net Sports Academy

This is what I actually posted on Facebook after I witnessed a miracle game by my Packers:

“AAAAAAAHHHHHH.....That is all I can say. Wow. Amazed. Bedazzled. Astonished. Okay, now let me really talk. I know we did not play like ourselves the whole game until the end, but I am so proud of my team. Each one of them contributed. These types of games remind me of the second reason for why I love watching football (other than because I love the Packers): football teaches life lessons.

It teaches you that if you work hard, it is possible to go far in life (winning games and making it to the Super Bowl).”

Football is really a metaphor for life. It brings individuals together and instills hope in them.

1.) Life is complex

Football is complex, and life is complex. Football is like a mini replica of life. Football teaches you that life can be complex, with many ups and downs. The way that the momentum of the game changes at various moments is irregular and sporadic. Aspects of football games, like the score system, rules, and plays are all unique, intricate, and complicated in their own ways.

2.) Life is possible

It teaches you that when life seems to be above your head, you can always get back on track. Although touchdowns are worth six points and it may seem like a daunting task to catch up, getting down the field is the purpose of the game. It can be easy to catch up and bounce back when the offense is clicking. When a team is down by six points, all it takes is a hail mary on the last play of the game to tie it up.

3.) There is always time

It teaches you that there is always plenty of time, and it is never too late. In football, I love that the clock can read 2 minutes in the 4th quarter, but there is still enough time to get two touchdowns.

4.) Loyalty

It teaches you loyalty. I will always stand by my Packers, and I will never give up on them, no matter how bleak the situation is.

5.) Unconditional love

It teaches you unconditional love. I will always love my Packers; I love my team even when they lose.

6.) Optimism

Football teaches you to remain optimistic. It is essential to have hope that your team will win, and you must stay positive when your team loses. You can always do better the next week, and your team has a week to figure out the kinks.

7.) Miracles are possible

And...it teaches you that miracles are possible. Teams can make comebacks and win. Football has amazing plays like on-side kicks and hail Mary's that can give a team the chance to overcome all odds and demonstrate spectacular outcomes.

“The Packers showed me tonight that miracles are even possible with my team. I, of course, have seen, first-hand, plenty of miracles happen in football games, but I had been waiting to see my Packers do it. I have been praying for this to happen, for me to witness it just one time, and now my wish has come true. I am so proud of my team, and I will never forget this game. 27-23; 61-yard touchdown pass; Packers vs. Lions; Thursday, December 3rd, 2015. I have just witnessed history! <3”

Football is more than just a game; it is a metaphor for life.

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