Ah, finals season. Instead of just going on your phone or computer, why not spice up the ways you procrastinate this year?
1. Listen to all of One Direction's albums. In order. On maximum volume.
This one depends on how much pain you want to cause yourself. If you're a lifelong fan or you really dislike them, the experience will be just as painful either way.
2. Make yourself a five course meal at the dining hall.
Fishsticks AND lasagna in the same meal? What a day.
3. Hit up your campus coffee shop at the busiest time of day.
Sometimes, the line at Dunkin' on my campus actually exceeds the amount of time it takes for the scalding hot coffee to cool down!
4. Deep clean your dorm room.
It's definitely nasty by now. Don't lie to yourself.
5. Design a solid dozen different hypothetical sticker arrangements for your laptop (but don't actually buy them)
For all the new laptops you're probably not getting anytime soon.
6. Hypothetically buy yourself an entire new wardrobe (again: don't actually buy anything).
This one is pretty common, but finals takes it to a new level.
7. Go to the library and actually read a book.
A concept!
Finals may be rough, but as long as you're unique with your procrastination tactics you're golden!