Recently Mattel announced the release of "Hello Barbie," a new Barbie doll equipped with Artificial Intelligence, that has the ability to speak about 8,000 lines of pre-recorded content simulating real conversations and remembering valuable info about the toy holder. "Hello Barbie" will be released in November 2015 and is aimed at the young girl market, just in time for the booming holiday season. No doubt that this will be a top selling toy in the next few months, so PR departments are paying special attention to their recorded lines in order to avoid community backlash. Marketing to young children is always tricky since they are at such a vulnerable and moldable stage in their lives. Therefore, at a progressive time where we are teaching children (especially girls) that there is more to life than being a perfect Barbie doll, Mattel is taking extreme precautions in order to create a product that is both socially acceptable and fun.
Sounds like a childhood dream come true for those of us who remember growing up wishing Tyra Banks (Eve) could be our best friend. Thus, I've complied a list of awesome Tyra moments from "Life-Size" that I'm hoping will make an appearance someway or another in the "Hello Barbie" because they're cool, progressive, and just overall snap worthy.
1. Let's teach kids to be environmentally conscious.
Because if you don't love the environment, you should seriously reevaluate your life.
2. Being perfect is overrated.
You don't have to be a Barbie doll to be perfect, just be you.
3. Don't sweat the small stuff. Life is amazing.
Life is hard, but our best friends are always there to put things into perspective.
4. Learning is cool!!
Intelligent girls are awesome girls.
5. Jam out and dance like nobody else's opinion matters (because it doesn't).
YES, I do like Justin Bieber. What are you going to do about it?!
6. Eating "like a lady"... not a real thing.
Food is food and it's one of the best things in life, don't be worried about "looking good" while eating that cheeseburger.
7. Also, can we PLEASE get a musical number?!
Because all the best story endings have one.
The "Hello Barbie" has so much potential and I have high hopes, considering the fact that the makers are taking such interest in how each line can influence young girls. Let's hope "Hello Barbie" is just as cool as Eve and will be a great best friend to independent, strong-willed, and happy kids all over the world. To learn more about "Hello Barbie", click here.