1. The foreign professor.
We all have that one professor in college. The one where you can't understand a single word that comes out of their mouth. You spend most of the lecture trying to piece together their words to make coherent sentences. They're probably completely brilliant in their field of work but since you have no idea what they're saying you spend most of their lecture being like:
2. The TA.
Lucky for me, I’ve never had a TA teach a class. The great thing about Tulane is that professors teach every single one of their classes. Thank god my 60 grand a year ensures a professor shows up and lectures. TAs are usually the super enthusiastic grad students that just graduated 3 months ago. They think they're being helpful but in reality what they're saying makes absolutely no sense. They've never taught a class in their entire life and honestly, their biggest worry is walking into class and tripping in front of a group of people that are the basically the same age as them.
3. The professor that is way too smart to be teaching.
This is the professor that has an extensive list of credits that make them completely overqualified for their job. They're the at the top of their field and so knowledgeable that they often go on tangents in the middle of class. They don't need to remind you that they wrote that dissertation that won that major award, you already know. They've come down from the heavens and blessed us with their presence. Everything that comes out of their mouth is paramount so you hastily try to type every word they say.
4. The professor that everyone hates.
Another common professor we all encounter. They believe that they’re a godsend, but unlike the "professor that is way too smart to teach" they unfortunately are not. They're the professor that doesn't bother to learn your name, calls people out on their stupidity and has no sympathy for anything that you might have that is outside of that class. It seems like their sole purpose in life is to give you a crap ton of homework and impossible tests which make it almost impossible to get an A in their class.
5. The hot professor.
I mean this is the dream, right? The young professor that has probably never taught a college course in their life. You spend most of the lecture admiring their chiseled jaw line or the banging bod while the material they teach goes in one ear and out the other. You NEVER miss class because if you do you’re going to miss 50 minutes of staring at their beautiful face. They redefine what the "student/teacher relationship" means to you. Excuse me professor, I need a drink of water because is it hot in here, or is it just you?
6. The professor that wants to be your best friend.
My favorite type of professor. They care more about bonding with the class, cracking jokes, and being an easy grader over actually teaching the subject. They're the professor that everyone tells you to take because it'll be an easy A. They bring you snacks, let you watch YouTube videos, and give you a study guide that basically mimics your exam. I've got made love for these professors. They're the real MVP.
7. The professor that changes your life.
This is the professor that completely changes your life. They're the professor that teaches their subject so well, they make you fall in love with it just like they have. They're the one that will grab coffee with you, extend office hours a little later to accommodate your schedule, and will be the first one to write a recommendation letter if you ask. You don't even care if you get an A in their class and you go out of your way to enroll in their other classes just because they're that great. Whether you find this professor your freshman year or your senior year, make sure you maintain a relationship at all cost. Although they're your professor now, they're going to prove to be a great friend later on in life.