We all have friends that we love, but sometimes, those friends have personalities that make us want to stick our head into a hole, just like an ostrich. This is just the way they are, but that doesn’t make them any less annoying. Here are seven types of “friends” we’ve all encountered:
1. The Flake
This friend always says they will come to every gathering. “I’ll be there!” Usually, they'll even say they're heading there now. Then, you never hear from them until a week later, when they decided to resurrect from the dead, only for them to ask when the next party is. Never. The next party is never.
2. The Moocher
This friend is the one who’s always asking for something: money, a favor, a ride. If it can be asked for, this person will ask for it, “Hey, can you spot me? I’ll pay you back.” “Hey, can I get a ride? I promise it’s just this one time.” “Can you get me this while you’re out?” They'll give you big eyes, beg and you'll end up doing the favor in the end, but don't believe them when they say they'll pay you back. Chances are, they will never return a favor
3. The Whiner
This person is the one that always whines and cries about everything in their life, even if nothing is going wrong. They turn rocks into mountains and act as if their life is completely over the minute something doesn’t go their way. Then, instead of choosing to make things better, they choose to whine and give the rest of the world a headache.
4. The Attention Whore
5. The In-One-Ear-Out-The-Other Friend
We all have that one friend that comes to us for help and advice. They always need advice with something, whether it be school, parents, work, relationship or just life. You spend hours trying to reassure them and give them advice. You think everything will be fine, hang up the phone and go to sleep. Then, you wake up the next morning to 15 text messages of them doing the exact opposite of what you suggested, asking for advice for the new mess they made.
6. The Butthurt Brat
This friend just happens to be the most overly sensitive person in the world. You could make a simple joke, for example, saying team Mystic sucks while they’re team Mystic, and they will turn around and make the joke something serious. They will turn around, get offended, and throw a temper tantrum, throwing subs on social media over a small joke.7. The Fair-Weather Friend
This friend is the one that is only there when they need you. They will either message you when something has gone horribly wrong, or if life is going great and they need someone to brag about. However, when the clouds turn dark in your backyard and it begins to thunder and pour, this friend is nowhere to be seen.
There are many different types of friends; we all encounter the good, the bad and the ugly. Most of the time, these friends mean no harm, but it doesn't stop us from wanting to shake our heads and sigh whenever something goes wrong.