Last Wednesday, my family and I sat in the backyard for a nice, small crawfish boil. As we were chowing down on our spicy mudbugs, I noticed a few trends. Each of us picked, peeled and ate our crawfish in a different way. Here are some of the categories I found. Which one are you?
1. The Piler
This is one of the more common techniques. Once a Piler is done with his/her crawdad, all remains are tossed into one large stack. Any leftover tails, heads or corn? Yep, it all goes to the same place.
2. The Organizer
Heads and tails touching?! No way. The Organizer has a strict after-peel method: heads in one pile, tails in another. Oh, and make sure all the heads are facing the same way … obviously.
3. The Neat Freak
Probably related to the Organizer at the table, the Neat Freak also has some OCD tendencies. They usually employ a bowl to collect the crawfish carcasses, making sure that any residual body parts or juices are cleaned between each crawdad.
4. The Hoarder
We all know one. Instead of consuming the meat right away, a Hoarder will save up of his/her meat to eat all together. Waiting an hour to eat cold crawfish somehow reconciles the ability to have a small pile of pure meat.
5. The Napkineer
6. The "Tails-Only" Connoisseur
Sucking on crawfish heads? No thank you. Someone with a Tails-Only mentality will usually eat the tale but pass the upper portion of each mudbug onto someone who does not mind slurping out the juices within.
7. The Edward Crawfish Hands
Usually a younger fellow in the group, the Edward Crawfish Hands type does not spend much time actually eating. Most of his/her time is dedicated to placing used heads on his/her hands or just playing with the food in general.
So which one are you? An Organizer or a Neat Freak? A Piler or a Hoarder? Or do you just enjoy sticking crawfish heads onto your fingers? Whatever your method may be, one thing is for certain: these tasty red bottom-dwellers can make any gathering a fun one.