This last weekend marked the beginning of college football season. Now is the time when we can finally enjoy our weekends with some of the best entertainment sports has to offer. No more watching sports you don’t have interest in anyway and muddling around online for the latest in the upcoming season projections. This is the real deal now, and its time to soak it all in. However, throughout our years of watching this wonderful sport, we’ve noticed some continuous trends among fans that are all too familiar each year.
1. The stats expert.
It never fails, every game, no matter the opponent, there’s always the football fan that throws around unreal and incredibly specific facts. You say “touchdown!” while they sit mentally updating stats for that player. Do not ever get caught in a football argument with this person.
2. The pessimist.
A match-up between Alabama and Kansas wouldn’t even test this fan’s negativity. Although a proud fan of their team, they don’t admit it much. Each year is an opportunity for disappointment in these fans’ eyes.
3. The overly-fanatic.
Pregame rituals, dirty shirts worn, and even down to the food eaten during games, these fans are high superstitious and more loyal than most. These are your face painting, screaming without end, die-hard fans seen every game on the television screen.
4. The whiner.
Every call the referee makes is going to be bias towards the other team. The call could be the mot obvious decision in the history of football, but these fans see the game as unfair. But don’t whine too much about their whining… it’s just apart of the sport.
5. The phone checker.
The fans that always ask for you to rewind the game because they missed a big play looking down at their phone. Real time Twitter updates during a game are sure convenient… when you’re not straight in front of a TV. You promise yourself you will never take them to the actual game because they wouldn’t appreciate it enough.
6. The socializer.
These are the fans that don’t really care much about one particular team or even football in general; however, they still watch the games as religiously as you do. They watch for reasons like keeping up with friends, easy small talk, and the food and drinks during games.
7. The chanter.
These fans always seem to pull out generic phrases like “Let’s Go Team”, “Go (insert mascot name)”, “Roll Tide”, “Boomer Sooner”, “Orange Power”, “War Eagle”, “Gig ‘Em”, “Hook ‘Em”, “Hotty Toddy”, etc., etc. Watching games with a chanter is like having an actual cheerleader alongside you.
Though some of these fans can seem a bit annoying during the season, but we all learn to appreciate them because they are what makes college football season the most interesting time of the year. So, for this upcoming season, embrace your inner football personality and enjoy the season while its around.