We all have exes that we must (or try not to) face on a daily basis... And they come in all shapes and sizes!
1. The One Whose Existence Makes Your Skin Crawl
You see them in public and immediately run the other way in order not to breathe their air. You cannot stand the thought of them, and hearing their name flares your nostrils on command. Your break-up wasn't the prettiest, and you probably hate them because they did you really really REALLY wrong. It's OK, love. We all have those.
2. The One You Tolerate
This one's okaaaayyy. I mean, you don't necessarily perk up upon their arrival, but a simple "Hey, what's up?" and a one-armed side hug will do. In this case, you guys probably had a little beef at the point of the break-up, but you've both realized it isn't that serious. Either way, this person still isn't your favorite person in the world.
3. The One Who Stills Tries To Get You Back (Psycho or Not)
Two options here: a.) He/she will send you subtle messages from time to time that hint about getting back together and missing the relationship or b.) He/she calls you all hours of the night, through unknown numbers and payphones, doing everything in their power to get you back. They will not rest until they have you in their arms — or until there's a restraining order placed.
4. The One You're Still Friends With
Whether the relationship ended terribly or not, you both realized that the friendship you had was a good one. There's no point in letting that go over something that is in the past. There are still awkward moments when something is brought up about you two being together from other people, but a simple shoulder shake will have that off in no time.
5. The One You're Still "With" But Not Really
So... funny story. You guys broke up... BUT are still acting as though y'all are together. Confusing. Everyone's like, "Uhhhhh... what." Yeah. We've all been there, unfortunately. This could end in in a rekindled relationship or a bitter taste in your mouth over wasted time. You'll get over it eventually because you're a queen/king, but like why. #shady
6. The One That Decided To Date Your Best Friend
Kinda falling into Ex #1, this lovely human decided your best friend was the PERFECT backup plan. I mean maybe you tolerate it because you don't want to lose your best friend, or maybe you've cut both ties... Either way, this one is a huge slap in the face. Leave those suckers behind.
7. The Neutral One
You don't like or dislike this person. It's just kind of not worth your time either way. You just kind of ignore each other, but not in a rude way. It is what it is at this point.
I'm sure I've missed several types of exes. They're literally everywhere in every form. Take a good look at this list... Which one does yours fall under?