Summer is in full swing and airports are busier than ever. Whenever I make my way to the designated gate of my flight, I walk past countless colorful characters. Undoubtedly, some of those people make flights very interesting. Here are seven types of people I've encountered on airplanes.
DISCLAIMER: Some may seem funny now but are quite the opposite on a five hour flight.
1. The new best friend
I've always loved open to meeting new people, but I don't necessarily want to know a stranger's life story before take off. Flights are my excuse to listen to hours of music or read a book that has been collecting dust at home. This person, however, is more concerned with telling you about their favorite movie and the "literally cutest thing" their dog did the other day.
2. The snuggle buddy
Here's a confession, I'm this person when I fly with my family. On long flights when I can try to sleep for at least a couple hours, I'll try every comfortable position possible, even if that means leaning on my sister's shoulder. If the snuggle buddy is someone you don't know, however, the drool and cuddling can get a little awkward.
3. The most obnoxious person you've ever met
Even the kindest, most patient person has their limits when it comes to maintaining sanity on a plane. This person is either taking hundreds of flash pictures on a red eye, kicking your seat uncontrollably, or talking louder than the maximum volume of your earphones.
4. The person who's rude to the flight attendant
Flight attendants work tirelessly flight after flight. This person, however, grows impatient because their ginger ale isn't poured quickly enough. Please, keep in mind that these men and women are trying to make your flight as comfortable as possible and should not be treated as anything but hardworking people.
5. The person who takes both arm rests (and isn't in a middle seat)
Many people probably don't know this, but it's an unspoken flight rule that the person in the middle seat gets to use both of their armrests. I only recently found this out, so if you are also an offender of this protocol, don't beat yourself up. No one wants the middle seat, but some arm room makes it slightly less horrible.
6. The seat recliner
I've sat behind this person on almost every plane. This isn't a La-Z-Boy store, people. If I'm expected to sit through an entire flight without having a "Real Housewives"-worthy meltdown, I need my leg room. Enough said.
7. The person who cuts the line to exit
I've never been athletically inclined, but after every flight I conjure up the energy to unbuckle my seat belt, assemble my carry-ons, and stand in the walkway quickly so that I'm not trampled by everyone behind me. But there's always that special exception of a person who feels the need to run past me and knock me over so he can get out one person ahead of me.