Living the pale life is not for the faint of heart. It comes with numerous trials and tribulations that would push a tanner person to their breaking point. If you're one of the few people who still live the pale life, you know these truths to be all too real.
1. You don't tan, you burn
You could be in the sun for a mere 15 minutes and still turn a shade of red. If you go outside and wear any sunblock under SPF 75, you're basically asking to look like a tomato for a week.
2. After you burn, you freckle
You've come to terms with the fact that your killer sunburn will not fade into a golden tan, but rather a bunch of tiny face dots. You'll also accept that they will never, ever stop popping up.
3. People always think you're sick
Paleness automatically equals sickness to your fellow people. You have to explain that you're not diseased, just light skinned, at least three times a day (but it does make faking being sick a hell of a lot easier.)
4. People who don't wear sunblock freak you out
Do those daredevils know the risks they are taking?!?!?! The very thought of not wearing sunscreen makes you anxious, so you cannot comprehend how someone exposes their skin to the sun's unforgiving wrath like that.
5. People ALWAYS point out you are pale
As if you have never looked in a mirror before in your entire life. Thanks for the update!
6. Shopping for makeup is an absolute nightmare
Finding the right makeup for your skin is like trying to find the world's smallest needle in the world' biggest haystack. You'd have better luck using White-Out as your foundation than shopping around for a shade that even remotely matches your skin tone.
7. You embrace the pale life for what it is
Some people may think you're crazy for loving your pale skin, but you don't give a damn. You may face some struggles, but that beautiful porcelain skin is part of who you are, and you wouldn't change it for anything.