Transferring to a new school can be hard. I spent my first year of college at my local community college getting some general classes out of the way. Once I transferred to my 4 year, I realized that things were very different compared to my community college. Here are a few tips on how to survive transferring to a new school.
1. Don't be afraid to ask for directions
College campuses can be big and intimidating. It can be even more difficult when your college has different campuses you have to travel between. The students who have been going to your school know that campus like the back of their hand. Asking them where a certain building or room is is a quick and easy way to not get lost.
2. Join clubs to meet new people
One of the best ways to meet new people is to join a club at school. There are clubs for every interest, from a film club to a dodgeball club. Joining clubs is a surefire way to meet people with similar interests to you and is a great way to make new friends.
3. Make the most out of dorm move-in week
You can normally tell within the first few weeks if you and your roommate will get along. If you don't it's ok, getting a perfect roommate on the first try can be difficult. So if you decide that the roommate deal just isn't working out then try to find someone else that you would prefer to live with. You won't hurt anyone's feelings in the process, it just didn't work out, and college is supposed to be a fun time, not a time where you don't feel comfortable in your own room.
4. Take advantage of your meal plan
A big difference between community college and a 4-year college is the addition of a meal plan. 225 meals a semester, 14 meals a week, and $75 a semester to spend at certain off-campus dining places. One of the best ways to get the most bang for your buck is the coveted buffet style cafeteria. All the food you want, just for one meal swipe. While this can be an easy way to gain the terrifying "freshman 15" it's a good way to try new foods and expand your pallet.
5. Check out the campus gym
One of the perks of being a college student is access to the campus gym. Filled with treadmills, steppers, and other machines to get your blood pumping, campus gyms are a great way to get in shape. Some gyms even have classes you can sign up for free. Free + college student = a great deal.
6. Utilize the tutoring area
College classes can be difficult, especially if you're still getting used to your new life on campus. Luckily many colleges offer free tutoring for most of their classes. Every tutor has a specific focus, from chemistry to accounting. They are readily available for you and want to help make your academic life go smoothly.
7. Enjoy your independence
It can be scary to leave home for the first time, but know that there are many people at college who want to help you feel like you belong. People will be there to help you move in, show you the campus, and tell you about all the great activities your school is planning. The best thing to do is to make the most out of your time in college. Grab a midnight snack with your friends, check out the free school events, and make the most out of your college life. Open your mind to new experiences and appreciate your next step into adulthood.