It's spring! Well not really, but it is spring semester. Spring semester is a glorious time. A couple of weeks after starting a new year, we get a (somewhat) clean academic slate. Though your GPA hasn't been completely erased, you've been given another opportunity to make it better! Or worse... but let's be positive!
Since I'm nearing the end of my junior year now, I'm not new to this. I know how easy it is to get caught up and let spring semester get the best of you. Snow days make you lazy. Warmer weather makes you care even less than you did before about whatever gen eds you're required to take. I get it. But I also know how crucial it is to kick it into high gear and make spring semester really count! This is the time to try and either correct you're falling GPA, maintain your steady GPA, or make your amazing GPA even better!
You've made it this far, so don't stop now! Whether you're a frightened freshman or a super senior, you need these 7 tips to a successful semester.
1. Use all of your campus resources
Universities tend to take your money without giving much in return. It sucks. A myriad of fees are being added to your bill, whether you use these resources or not, so take advantage of all that's offered. Email your professors/TAs if you're unclear about something. Go to the campus learning center if you need additional help with a class. Talk to a counselor on campus if you're feeling overwhelmed or just feel like venting. Use the expensive equipment and software in the library. Get your money's worth!
2. Go to every class
I may be projecting, but I think we all know how easy it is to hit that snooze button. Push snooze, sleep, repeat. BUT NO MORE. Hit snooze a couple of times, then get up and start your day! Be mentally and physically present in your classes and take naps afterwards if you have to. Just think of your student bill whenever you feel like skipping class. Is it really worth it?
3. Plan EVERYTHING out
This is extremely important. Schedule every exam, due date, study break, night out, etc.! Though it may sound a little crazy to plan out almost every aspect of your life, it'll eliminate the possibility of you forgetting to do something. In such a fast paced environment, it's so easy to forget an assignment that your grade depends on. Organization is key. Stay ready!
4. Don't be afraid to say no
College is great because your friends are always around and there's always something to do. Conversely, college is awful because your friends are always around and there's always something to do. I'm sure your friends are amazing, but you have to be a little selfish sometimes when it comes to investing in your future. You're spending/borrowing thousands of dollars to be here. Saying no to hanging out with the homies here and there will definitely be more rewarding than missing out on study time and sleep. Trust me.
5. Limit distractions
Distractions come in many forms: TV, social media, events, certain people, etc. Taking short breaks from anything that can potentially get in the way of your success will pay off in the long run. Sure, some distractions are welcome as they help you to limit stress, but there's a fine line. Try to focus on what will you'll benefit from after graduation. Will you still be laughing at that episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta if you're in your parents' basement applying for jobs in a few years? Well maybe, but you get the point.
6. Learn from past semesters
BREAK. BAD. HABITS. If you know that something (or someone) got in the way of your 4.0 last semester then leave that in the fall. We're here to grow and learn from our past mistakes, not bring them with us. Do what you have to do.
7. Actually study
My freshman year was, by far, my worst because I thought I could treat college like high school. Wrong. In college, you have to make sure you're actually grasping the material. Start or join a study group. Choose a good study environment. Give yourself enough study time in between exams. Study as hard as you can and take breaks accordingly. Make sure you've done enough studying, but also make sure you've given your brain the breaks that it needs.