7 Tips On Staying Focused During Zoom University | The Odyssey Online
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7 Tips On Staying Focused During Zoom University

7 tips to help college students while we still adjust to online classes.

7 Tips On Staying Focused During Zoom University

Like most college students this semester, my classes are mainly online and it can be a little hard to readjust to that. Normally we would be in class listening to a lecture or working hands on in a group, presenting, and taking notes. But, because of Covid-19 and classes moving online, things have changed and it can be a rough adjustment. Here are seven tips that I personally try to follow that could help you stay on track for the rest of the semester.

Get ready

Still get out of bed for class, Grab water, tea, or coffee and maybe even a snack. Sit on a quiet couch, maybe outside on a nice day, and be ready to take notes. Make sure you have everything you need for the duration of class before it starts. Bonus if you get dressed (not in pajamas), do what would be your regular routine (hair, makeup, accessories), brush your teeth, and use the restroom.

Start early 

I always try to sign into the Zoom call 2-5 minutes before class. It is nice to talk to your professors while we all wait and get used to this adjustment together. Also, try waking up early like you would if you had to attend class, give yourself time to wake up.

Take notes

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Even if you feel like you don't have to take notes it is better to force yourself to pay attention and take good notes. This is helpful if you struggle to pay attention (like I do).

Communicate with professors and classmates

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Remember this is a learning process for all of us. If you have an issue with your internet connection or you have a question about the material or assignment, REACH OUT! Email your professor or your classmates, ask if anyone wants to make a group chat or a group Google document to compile a "bible of information" on the material for the rest of the semester. Even just talking to your professor before they officially start class or answering their questions during class can help create a better and more open conversation for the class.

Make to-do lists

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Personally, I like to make my "to do" lists on Fridays or Saturdays for the upcoming week. Look at the class schedule or syllabus for each course and write down a list of whats due this upcoming week and what day it is due. At the bottom of the paper, I jot down a loose game plan for what I want to finish over the weekend, what I want to get done by Wednesday, and what I want done by Friday. This helps me stay ahead of the game and also plan my week.

Take care of your space and yourself

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Remember to take time to focus on cleaning up your living space and also take care of yourself. After classes on Fridays, I like to clean up and tidy my room, any dishes, and anything I have laying around. And I get it, we don't always ~want~ to, but if you do it once a week, it takes maybe a half hour (maximum). Then on Sunday evenings, its nice to do a face mask, watch Netflix, or just cozy up with a candle and tea every week or other week. Obviously, we all have different schedules and that's okay, just remember to take time to take care of yourself and your mentality during these times.

Remember you can still be a college student

So far, the fall semester is a weird one. Many returning students are missing their favorite back to school activities and first years are also missing out on the experiences they have been looking forward to. And even though school events like bingo or movie nights are now online, still "go" and get into it. Remember, you can still walk around campus or sit in an unoccupied classroom with a mask. Don't go against state or CDC guidelines but still dress up with your closest friends or housemates/roommates for Halloween. Still hold study groups with your friends just be safe. You can be safe but still enjoy the excitement of a new academic year beginning.

The most important thing this semester is to remember we are a community all working it out together. And just because the first month is coming to an close, does not mean you can't still turn the semester around. We got this everybody.

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