None of us are strangers to failed New Year's Resolution attempts. Year after year, we set goals for ourselves and for a few days, weeks, or even months we stay on track, highly motivated by the beginning of a new year. Eventually though, our resolutions fall by the wayside while we fall back into old habits. Then, before we know it, the new year is coming to a close, an even newer year approaches and we have not come close to becoming the new versions of ourselves that we promised. What makes it so difficult for us to set goals and stick to them? Here are a few tips to help you become the "new you" in this new year.
1. Set a realistic goal
The easiest way to set yourself up for a failed resolution is to set an unobtainable goal. You have 365 days, so make goals that are reachable in this time span. If your goal is to become a millionaire, that is obviously not going to happen unless you are abnormally lucky. Try, instead, making a resolution to save a portion of your paycheck to go toward becoming the millionaire you want to be. This way, even if you do not become a millionaire, at least you have some savings for a rainy day.
2. Celebrate the small things
Most resolutions involve making changes to our long developed habits and this is NOT easy. If you are trying to shed a few pounds and you went a whole week without eating pizza, then you rock. Celebrate any progress you make in reaching your goals, because a little progress everyday ends with big results.
3. Treat yo' self
Along with celebrating the small things, we all deserve to be rewarded for hard work. If you are dieting, you do not have to deprive yourself of your beloved chocolate. You lost five pounds? That is amazing! Have some chocolate, just do not go crazy and spoil everything you worked hard for. A little treat can keep you motivated and trying to quit anything cold turkey (even eating chocolate) is pretty much impossible.
4. Emphasize accountability
Hold yourself accountable for your actions. It is ridiculously easy for us to make excuses for ourselves when we do not reach the aspirations we intended. If you want defined abs and need to spend some time in the gym, get a gym buddy. Having a workout partner not only helps get you in the gym, but it can help motivate you during your work out. As partners, you can push each other to reach your goals making it one-hundred times easier to stick to your resolutions.
5. Get into a routine
Habit is, without a doubt, the key to success. If you repeat an action in succession, you are more likely to form a habit of that action. Use this to your advantage and get into a routine to accomplish your resolution.
6. Push Yourself
As previously stated, changing aspects of our personalities and habits is incredibly difficult. Many such things are deeply ingrained into our daily lives and as humans we do not enjoy change. However, when you reach a hump while trying to accomplish it is imperative that you find a way to keep pushing. Look up some motivation quotes on Pinterest, cheesy as it may be, it is helpful.
7. Take it One Day at a Time
Rome wasn't built in a day, as the saying goes and you can not change yourself overnight. Give yourself credit and reach your goals one step at a time. Each day that you get yourself closer to your goal is a success.
So keep your head up and your nose to the grind. Make this the year you finally become the new you!