Organization: it's the key to getting things done on time and correctly. Being organized is essential in college and it's not always the easiest thing to do. Finding the time to do the homework from your five classes, participate in your three student groups, workout, and go out with friends can be difficult if you aren't managing your time.
I tend to be extremely organized and get asked from time to time share my secret. The truth is there really is no special secret to being organized and staying organized. It is all about understanding what your own priorities are and how much time you have to dedicate to each of them.
Here are some tips to help you find your own way of organizing your life.
1. Find a planner you love
Planners do not have to be expensive. I bought my planner this year at my local Walmart for $8 and it did the job perfectly well. I personally like to have a planner that breaks down by week rather than day or month but choose which makes you happy. There are so many different types of planners in stores, but if you want a more personal one there are tons of websites who specialize in customized planners. Etsy is a great place to check for custom planners, but my dream planner is from Erin Condren (pictured above).
2. Use fun writing utensils
I like to color code my planner so I bought fine tip sharpies and colorful pens to fill mine out. I assigned a color to each of my classes and a color each for work, social, and miscellaneous. If you aren't a color coder you could always write each deadline or commitment in the order they occur to stay organized. Before you know it you won't even see the colors anymore, your mind will go straight to the class the color stands for. Being organized is more fun when it looks pretty!
3. Fill your planner
I personally, use my planner for homework deadlines and test dates to avoid overwhelming myself, but feel free to put your whole life into your planner. I break each day into four sections to coordinate with my class schedule. I use the color I previously assigned to write the class deadlines, assignments, and test dates into my planner at the beginning of each semester and adjust as necessary (the syllabus always changes). Once you find your method, stick to it and it will become natural to you.
4. Make 'to-do' lists
This one may seem simple but if you make a list of tasks you must complete and check them off as you go you will feel so accomplished. For my to-do lists, I use 3x4 grid Project Life cards from Becky Higgins and paperclip them to my planner each day. The little boxes make the perfect checkbox to mark off tasks. If you don't complete a task that day, simply move it to the next.5. Use a mobile calendar
6. Check your planner and calendar
What good does filling out your calendar and planner do if you aren't going to look at them? I check both at least three times a day if not more. I check it so much I have it memorized. The more you check it, the surer you are of what you need to get done or where you need to be.
7. Schedule time for EVERYTHING
It may seem silly but if you put all of your obligations in your planner and calendar you will never worry about fitting things that must happen in. If you want to go to dinner with friends next week put it in your calendar because now that time is dedicated to this plan. Forgetting to eat because you are so busy? Put it on your calendar. Time is precious and scarce, but you have the opportunity to take full advantage of it.