Any writer knows their worst enemy is one thing...writer's block. It's a pain to try and beat writer's block when all you want to do is write. So, I've compiled a list of ideas and tips for when you just need to step away and take a break.
1. Listen to Music
I know from personal experience music can be a good way to beat writer's block. I've actually made my own writer's playlist to help for those moments I'm stuck in a slump.
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2. Spend Time With Friends
Sometimes you just need to escape from writing. Go out with friends. Whether it's just binge watching a show or going out for coffee. It'll give your brain time to relax so your not stressing over writing all day.
3. Go for a Walk
Fresh air is a writer's friend. Get out of the house and just walk around. You never know when inspiration may hit you.
4. Read a Book
Take a break from your own fictional world and dive into someone else's. Books take you on an adventure, so see where your mind can take you in that world.
5. Free Write
It sounds counterproductive, but it can help. Step away from what your working on and just rant on a different document. Just keep on writing to get out your frustrations. Maybe even right out all your ideas to get them down so they stop cluttering your mind.
6. Go Write Somewhere Else
Maybe all you need is a change of scenery. If you always write in your room, switch it up. Go outside. Go to the library. Go anywhere. Sometimes doing the same thing every time you go to write is what's causing your writer's block.
7. Accept Imperfect Writing
Your first draft isn't going to be pretty. It's a fact. If your too busy worrying about grammar in your first draft, you can cloud your writing. Don't worry about it. You can always go back and edit.
Writing is not easy, I know that. Writer's block is going to be your enemy, but you have to find a way to turn it into a frenemy. Take the writer's block and convert it to help you make something even more beautiful.