It's the best week of the year, Syllabus Week. You've successfully moved in your dorm, done your first load of laundry in three months and have gotten (most of) your textbooks. Whether you're a Syllabus Week newbie or veteran, here are 7 tips to conquer every college student's favorite week like a pro.
1. Meet with your professors in office hours.
Since this is your first week, there’s nothing more important than getting to know your professors. Go to office hours and introduce yourself! Ask them questions about upcoming dates and assignments. Your professors will be happy to see a familiar face during the first week and will recognize the initiative you're taking to get to know them.
2. Make sure you have all the books and supplies you need.
With the stress of moving into your dorm room, the last thing you need to worry about is school supplies. This week is the perfect time to go to the book store and get all class necessities. Also grab a few extra pens and pencils, I guarantee you'll need them during finals week.
3. Fill out your semester at a glance.
I don’t know about you, but I love filling out my semester at a glance. The second I get a new syllabus, you know I’m putting all my test dates on my calendar. This semester will fly by, and seeing the progress I’ve made on my semester at a glance keeps me motivated and looking forward to winter break. Download that and other time management tools from the A-LEC's website.
4. Organize your notes.
Determine a notes system that works for you ASAP. Syllabus week is the perfect time to figure out how you’ll be taking notes for each class and where you will store them. Whether by laptop or handwritten, make sure you have a system you’re going to stick with for the semester so everything for each class will be in its place.
5. Take advantage of the add/drop period.
There’s no shame in dropping a class your first week, that’s the purpose of the add/drop period! If a class doesn’t work in your schedule or the professor isn’t your favorite, drop your class before you’re stuck with it all semester.
6. Clean your dorm room.
When I move in, everything in my dorm room is no where near where I want it to be. Take some time and make your room organized. This will be one less thing you’ll have to worry about when you start getting more tests and assignments.
7. Go to campus or local events.
You just got to college! Take some time to relax and get back in the swing of things. Go to events on campus to meet some new people or treat yourself to a night out to eat. Try some new restaurants or venues to kick off the semester.
Take this time to treat yourself and prepare yourself for the weeks to come. Who knows, next time you'll have this many opportunities before fall break.