Lucas Scott, the beloved basketball player, writer, and brother of Nathan from One Tree Hill, will forever be one of the best heartthrobs television will see. Lucas had many a flings with Brooke and Peyton, but we all have different opinions on who he should have been with in the end *cough* Peyton *cough*. We will forever love him for his way with words, romantic gestures, and overall sexiness. Here are 7 times when Lucas Scott most likely made you cry a little inside.
We all know the complicated situation that is Lucas, Peyton, and Brooke, but are any of us mad with the outcome? I’m certainly not!
Even though this is from when he was with Brooke, all girls need to hear this from their man.
Lucas always had a way with words, as his books were such a success.
Believed to be one of the most iconic Lucas and Peyton scenes, every OTH fan loves this part from the series.
YESSS!! You tell them, Lucas.
Even at his down points, Lucas still looks for hope in himself and his friends. He certainly has been through a lot.
*swoons* He’s just too gorgeous for my own heart. I think I will go re watch One Tree Hill, again.