The Harry Potter Fandom is usually pretty spot on with facts and such, mostly because things can be explained with magic. Also, because J.K. Rowling is such a brilliant writer, she wrote a detailed narrative, but with just enough room for the imagination to continue creating this world. However, sometimes these fan theories make me cringe a little. Here are the main ones that I see often and I just can’t take it anymore.
1. Weasley Christmas Sweaters
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So this is kind of a big one, because EVERYONE gets this wrong. Not all Weasley sweaters have letters! Molly only put letters on Fred and George’s sweaters.
Need proof? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Chapter 12, Page 202: “‘You haven’t got a letter on yours,’ George observed. ‘I suppose [Mum] thinks you don’t forget your name. But we’re not stupid -- we know we’re called Gred and Forge.’”
2. Suggesting that Fred could possibly be cowardice enough to be a ghost
Becoming a Ghost is not a thing of honor nor is it a path that a Weasley, especially Fred, would choose. In the words of Nearly Headless Nick, “I was afraid of death, I chose to remain behind. I sometimes wonder whether I oughtn’t to have… I know nothing of the secrets of death, Harry, for I chose my feeble imitation of life instead.” Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 13, Page 861 As emotional as this fan head cannon is, this would NEVER happen
Note: Nearly Headless Nick is already a ghost. His head is not just going to suddenly separate from his dead ghostly body… That would be some intense magic, something strong enough to tear ghosts apart.
3. All of the Relationship “Ships”
It amazes me how many different combinations there are of the Harry Potter characters. This is not unique to Harry Potter either, people just make up relationships even though their characters would never allow it. J.K. Rowley has developed such well rounded characters and matched them up for certain reasons. Why do people need to make up Dramione, Deamus, Drarry, Fredmione, and so many more that are unrealistic in the fictional world.
4. Ashamed to be a Hufflepuff
This is plain and simple, if you get sorted into Hufflepuff, rejoice because you just became a part of the best Hogwart’s house ever. And if you want to follow the crowd and be in Gryffindor, then you may, because we value loyalty and if you can’t be loyal to the house that chose you then you are better off in another one
5. Shipping Hermione/Harry Relationship
Ok, movie watchers, you have no idea what you are talking about! Book Ginny is perfect for Harry and you are missing out on a great relationship if you don’t read the books. I agree the Daniel and Emma had great chemistry on screen and Bonny and Daniel could not seem to get it together. But please, do not miss out on a good thing by limiting yourself to the movies!
6. Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit
I had bought this game, because I needed a bit of a challenge. However, though the questions are fairly challenging, I have one major complaint. If there was a question in which the movie and book disagreed, the game would require “movie” answer… what?! Why are we rewarding not reading the books! (Though you would have a tough time competing in the game without reading the books) The books came first, that means they are the source of answers, so I was appalled when I got an answer wrong because I answered from the book…
7. The Lily and Snape “Relationship”
And last, but not least, Lily and Snape did not end up together, stop trying to make it happen. Please don’t make judgments before you hear me out. I like Snape, he was brave and he was full of love. But he only had love for Lily, no one else. He selfishly joined the good side, only when Lily was in danger. He refused to make better life choices early in life and that is why Lily left him in the first place. The only reason he cares about Harry at all is because of Lily, not because he is simply a child in need of protecting. Not to mention, no matter how much he loves Lily he is still a biased and unfair teacher and takes out his high school grudges on a kid (although Harry does give it right back).
So even though Snape did redeem himself by putting himself in serious danger against Voldemort, the fact of the matter is, is that he started to do it for the wrong reasons. So instead of demeaning Lily and James’ relationship and acting like Snape deserved her more, remember this, James became a better person for Lily, BEFORE her life was in danger. James made the decision to protect everyone, regardless of their relations. I’m J.K. Rowling, I admire Severus Snape, but I’m a James Potter fan for Lily all the way!