7 Throwback Candies From Your Childhood
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7 Throwback Candies From Your Childhood

A tasty blast to the past.

7 Throwback Candies From Your Childhood
Flor Pérez

Older, wiser, and hungrier. No one knew super sugared like we knew super sugared. Sweet-toothed 90's babies be rest assured, almost all your favorite candies from the past are still purchasable today! Except for that one. You know the one I'm talking about.

1. Wonderballs

Oh, delectable milk chocolate balls with prize candy inside, where art thou? I spent all of my childhood staring at you while waiting for my dad to buy groceries. I did not complain when I was told to put it back on the shelf, because I knew that one day I would have my own money to buy as many as I wanted. Except that when that time did come, they had been discontinued! 2004 saw the destruction of my childhood fantasies.

However, lovers of Wonderballs don't be discouraged. The word on the street is that there are now some available retailers who sell Despicable Me themed Wonderballs.

2. Pixy Sticks

It's a good thing these color dyed straw sticks of sweet powdered dextrose haven't been taken off of the market. I almost can't believe that my elementary school teachers and parents both allowed me to ingest such a mass quantity of artificially colored and flavored sugar, but then I reflect on my current eating habits and find myself completely unashamed. More please!

3. Nerd Ropes

I've come to the conclusion that these have unofficially been taken off of the market. I've looked at Walmart. I've looked at Target. Every time I go to look for them they're sold out. I am not so naive to believe that I am the only person who enjoys Nerd Ropes, but come on. Who is buying them all and depriving young children everywhere of massive sugar crashes? You need to share! You know, for the kids…

4. Push Pops

If you showed up to lunch with one of these bad boys, there was no doubt of your cool kid status. These cylindrical fruit flavored sticks can only be described as little sticks of happiness. Ingredients? Magic and rainbows, my friends.

5. OUCH! Bubble Gum

I know I can't be the only one who collected those little tin cans as a kid. The packaging was changed in 2009, and moved away from the metallic container designed to look like a bandage box. Somehow the old packaging gave the candy an intangible quality that I've yet to find in any other candy. Not to mention the gum’s signature sour kick!

6. Warheads

If any candy is still going strong, it's warheads. They even have their own twitter page. Originally from Taiwan, they were imported into the United States in 1993. Warheads will forever remain a staple candy of the 90's, despite maintaining popularity through the ages.

7. Baby Bottle Pop

What more could a kid want, than to quite literally dip a fruit or bubblegum flavored lollipop straight into powdered sugar? Popularity of Baby Bottle Pops only continued to soar when the Jonas Brothers promoted their own rendition of the Baby Bottle Pop's theme song.

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