As every college student we all walk to class and have crazy thoughts. Some of us are morning people and super stoked for class while the others are counting the hours until we are reunited with our beds. Some of us enjoy the walks to class while others of us put in headphones and block the rest of the world out. Walking to class can either be the start to a great day or a start to a very bad day. If you're a college student you'll be able to understand my 7 thoughts I have while walking to class every morning:
1. “Shit, I hope we didn’t have any homework”
I always get half way to class and always have to remember if I had anything due. Hopefully there is someone else in the class that also forgot about those two readings we had to do.
2. “Headphones in, don’t talk to me.”
I normally walk to class with my headphones on. There is always that one person who sees that I have headphones in but still tries to talk to me. Just no.
3. “I hope I don’t see _____”
I think we can all agree that there is that one person who no matter if its 9 a.m.� or 3 p.m. seeing them will automatically ruin your day. I try to avoid them at all cost.
4. “Wonder If I’ll see the girls I became best friends with last night in the bathroom...”
Girls always become best friends with someone in the bathroom. They’re both drunk crying over boys and you create a bond right away. It’s just a girl thing. The next day you sober up and have no idea whether you approach your new bestfriend or if they’ll even remember.
5. “How many hours until I get to lay in my bed?”
It could be my first two minutes into class and I’m already planning my nap later. I can’t wait to crawl into bed after a long day of classes.
6. “When’s the next time I can eat?”
Food is always on my mind. I constantly think about when I can grab some lunch or if a piece of gum will have to hold me over.
7. “I wonder who’s throwin' down this weekend”
It could be Monday at 9am and I’m already thinking of the parties this weekend. Liquor, beer or both. The options are endless. I’m always ready to have a great weekend.