The gym is definitely one of my favorite places to be; it improves my mood, lessens the frequency of my migraines, and makes me stronger, obviously. But sometimes when you're in the gym by yourself, minding your own business, your thoughts wonder. Here's seven things I find myself thinking while in the gym:
1. I want to look like that
It's important to understand that everyone's body size and shape is different, and equally attractive. But there's nothing wrong with wanting the amount of definition or muscle mass that someone else has. In fact, it can sometimes help motivate you.
2. I'm starving
Lifting heavy makes me hungry, like, really hungry.
3. I hope I can lift this
One of the most annoying things is when you're going up in weight, and you think that you can go a little heavier on your last rep, only to find out that you can't lift it a centimeter.
4. Is she/he staring at me?
The majority of the time, especially when you first start going to the gym, this is the thought that runs through your head the most. Honestly, most of the time no one is staring at you. And if they are, it's probably because they're thinking the first thing on this list: "I want to look like that."
5. I can't walk. Help.
Leg day is the queen of not being able to walk. After squats, deadlifts, leg press, cardio, and every other leg exercise, walking is something that becomes so challenging it's unreal. It gives you a whole new meaning to "I don't feel like it."
6. I hope no one saw that
Remember that time you tripped over a machine in front of all the gym rats, or smashed your thumb with a 45lb weight, or fell down the stairs in the gym after leg day? Yeah, me too. And every other person in the gym did/does the same thing.
7. What kind of exercise is that?
Sometimes you'll see that guy who's intensely working out his arms and sweating profusely on a machine, only you won't understand why because he's using the machine to basically do nothing. It happens.