Do you hear that? It's the sound of my eye bags hitting the floor. This semester I happened to get an 8 am every. single. day. of the week. Yes, I am alive, but barely. It's also only the second week but I will make sure to keep you updated in 2-4 weeks because I may or may not melt into a puddle of tears, and freeze to death while waiting for the bus to take me to campus. A tip for anyone living off campus, do not take any 8 ams. I have to wake up 2 hours before in order to make it to class on time, whereas, last year on campus I would get up 40 minutes before class. Yes, those 80 minutes of sleep loss count. So, here are 5 thoughts you have probably (or will) have while walking or getting ready to go to your 8ams
1. Is it raining or are those just my tears?
According to the Weather Channel, there's a 0% chance of rain and a 103% chance of tears.
2. Is it worth it?
I tend to wake up and stare at the ceiling as I decide if one day this will all be worth it. (The answer is yes, suck it up) but hey who says we aren't allowed to be a little over-dramatic sometimes.
3. Don't look at me.
If you see me before 1pm, just don't look at me please.
4. I should've stopped watching Netflix at 8pm not 3am.
But, but, but, can somebody say Grey's Anatomy? Gossip Girl? or Gilmore Girls? the three G's are very important to my health, maybe even more than sleep.. (which is saying a lot)
5. I feel you.
This is me to everyone else walking to class, and as I look around I see a scene from the Walking Dead. Zombies, everywhere.
6. Do I have my shirt on backwards?
Oh, I do. Okay. Honestly, I'm just glad I remembered to get dressed and put on shoes.
7. How did I wake up at 6am for four years?
I definitely peaked in High School if I could wake up that early every day for four straight years.
8. Is it okay to have 3 cups of coffee before class?
I'm just asking for a friend...
At the end of the day, avoid 8 ams at all costs, but if you just can't, well then just remember you are not alone.
a girl day dreaming about coffee.