When Sarah McLachlan's song "Angel" bursts on your TV, you know what is about to hit you. And hard. The slow motion zoom into the sad, puppy dog eyes with that song playing in the background will tug at your heart strings in ways that you didn't know could be pulled. You don't need to be a dog or a cat lover to have your eyes begin to well up with tears. My dad will often change the channel just so that he doesn't have to look into those sad, innocent eyes. Those ASPCA commercials get me every time, and I don't know about you, but this what I am always thinking whenever I watch them.
1. "I plan to rescue each and every single one of you."
2. "But first, I’m gonna need more money."
3. "Hold back the tears. Hold back the tears."
4. "I have to sing along with you, Sarah McLachlan. I cannot resist. 'IN THE ARMS OF THE ANGEL.'"
5. "How can people do this to them?!?"
6. "Must. Look. Away. From. Sad. Eyes"
7. "I love my dog/cat so very much, and I’m never gonna let a single bad thing happen to you."
Whether your a dog lover, cat lover, or you don't even like either, this commercial will make you either adopt more pets or plan to adopt pets. A lot of these animals in these commercials are the result of abuse from humans. These dogs and cats will often times be living in their own feces or have gashes around their neck from being tied up for months on end. You gotta give it to the ASPCA for their incredible marketing strategy. Unfortunately, not all dogs and cats are adopted and are instead euthanized if they are not placed in a new home. These animals could also be euthanized because of how horrible their injuries are from their prior abuse. Each and every one of these animals deserve a second chance and to live with a family or person that will truly love and take care of them.