As we have just gotten through the very beginning of the first few weeks of the semester the novelty of the new professors and fresh school supplies starts to wear off. The days seem longer and the homework starts to pile up. You might reconsider deciding not to take a semester off then you remember that the add/drop period just ended. Instead, you will just have to trudge along and figure out how you are going to handle this. Here is some thoughts that you might have:
1. Exactly how late can I sleep before I am late for this class?
We all know that when school starts we plan our sleep schedules down to the T. Every last second that we can sleep in the morning counts. What better way to time yourself than the first day? Most freshman will be walking in late with you.
2. Praying hard that no poor soul tries to teach during the first class.
The one easy day before you start to feel your stress levels rise. Of course we all have that one professor that decides to break the norm of "syllabus day" especially in upper level courses. They were on to us.
3. At what point in my schedule do I get a food break?
Once we fully wake up the immeiate thought will be a food break. A thought that is most likely to consume the entire rest of the class you get hungry in.
4. Geez, how can 50 minutes feel so long?
After you sit through a few longer classes or just get used to your schedule these classes seem like a God sent, but the first couple days of getting back in this groove feels like a lifetime.
5. I need a nap.
Halfway through your day of running around campus dodging cars and climbing of flights of stairs to find that your class has moved, you could probably fall asleep right at your desk. Maybe a quick nap in the library sounds like heaven right now.
6. It is too hot for school, it must still be summer.
The hot season does not get us in the school mood. In fact, it just seems like a cruel joke that you are at school when you could be sitting by a pool. Or in bed.
7. I can`t believe I actually have to do this for the next for months
As your day comes to end you realize that this will in fact be your life for the next few months and you might just start counting down the days until your next holiday.
While all these thoughts have passed through your head just remember after it is all done you can pack up and go home to your nice warm bed and start counting down the days until fall break. You might miss this time when it is over even when it is tough now always remember to make the best of what is happening now.