When I tell people my dad is a priest, I get a vast array of reactions. Everything from Catholic's stammering with dropped jaws at the perceived scandal in front of them, to other PKs (preacher's kids) that laugh and say "oh gosh, me too!" has happened to me multiple times. The world of a PK has some unique things about it, so I've collected seven things that your preacher's kid wants you to know to help you figure it out.
1. No, it is not a groundbreaking scandal that I exist
Many religions allow for priests to have families--including various Christian denominations.
2. Yes, I have gotten taller/older/more grown-up since the last time you saw me
If people (or I) stop going to church for a while, when we reconvene, I am met with the usual "You look so much taller," "You're so mature," "Wow, you've grown up so fast." It's flattering that people notice the little things.
3. I know all of the ins and outs of the church building (and all of the best hiding spots)
4. I do not, however, know the ins and outs of the bible
Do not ask me about Dudeyourehotuhmee 57:64 or 18 Corinthians chapter 97 verse 58407593 because I am CLUELESS. I also don't have a particularly unique amount of 14 AD knowledge just because my father went to seminary. Ask him.
5. Coffee hour is the best thing that ever happened to me
6. I'm just like any other teenager
I like loud music, late nights, and online shopping. I break curfew, run around town with my friends, eat way too much pizza, swear, and do things I probably shouldn't. My dad being a priest doesn't automatically make me a saint. Sure, I go to church with him on Sundays and have done my fair share of mission trips, but I'm just as much a "sinner" as the rest of us.
7. My dad is not just like any other dad
SIKE, he kind of is. He argues with his daughters (we do push his buttons), loves grilling, and makes an incredible amount of dad jokes. He is simply living out his calling to make the world a better place by spreading God's word in the Episcopal Church. I feel obligated to say my dad's pretty lame because of my status as Teenage Daughterâ„¢, but actually, my dad is pretty cool.