As a huge fan of makeup, it comes with a lot of comments from other people. Don't get me wrong, I understand where a lot of it is coming from. Society teaches us certain beauty standards, which we have to live up to. If we don't, we're seen as not normal.
However, there are somethings that you just shouldn't say to people who enjoy wearing makeup.
1. "You're Wearing Too Much Makeup"
Okay? I didn't realize that we all get to decide how my face looks like. I put a full face on most days. This one is a big no-no. I don't want to hear your opinion on how much makeup I put on. It's not up to you to decide.
2. "Who Are You Trying To Impress?"
Why do I need to be trying to impress people? Why can't I just look nice because I want to look nice for me? I don't need to impress anybody but myself.
3. "You're Pretty Without Makeup Too"
I know. I'm pretty with makeup and without makeup. I just prefer to wear makeup?? I don't know what that has to do with my confidence. I'm a very confident person, and I could go a day without makeup. In fact, I do quite often, but I enjoy putting makeup on. I like how I look with makeup.
4. "That's False Advertising For Boys"
I think this one is one of the worst. I'm tired of hearing "false advertising". First of all, I am not a product, I am a human being. I'm not advertising myself to anybody. Second, I'm sorry that boys are not intelligent enough to know that I don't have naturally golden eyelids and red lips. How is that my fault they can't tell I'm wearing makeup? Also, if a guy wants to be with me, he'll have to get over the face that I wear makeup.
5. "I Like A More Natural Look"
This is the worst thing to say to someone who wears makeup. That's great that you enjoy a more natural look. However, I do not. I enjoy putting sparkles on my eyes and bright red lipstick on. You can wear a lighter, more natural makeup look. Let me enjoy what I like please and thank you.
6. "Boys Can't Wear Makeup"
Says who? Makeup is not gendered, so yes they can. I personally admire boys who are confident about wearing makeup and don't care about other's opinions.
7. "Makeup Is Meant To Enhance Your Beauty, Not Make You Look Different"
This is not necessarily true. Makeup is an art form, therefore, it is meant to be used in however the artist sees fit.
I have seen too many comments on makeup tutorials and heard too much about people who wear makeup, including myself. It's time to put an end to these phrases and questions, and instead, compliment and empower each other. The world really needs a little TLC right about now.