Ah, freshman year: the greatest and equally most terrifying time in your life. Off to college to be your own person, meet new people, and conquer the world. On top of all the stress you already feel about moving and starting college, there is a ton of stuff that nobody tells you about. Here’s what I wish someone would have told me before moving/starting college:
1. You should NOT pack everything you own.
You may think you will want/need all your clothes from high school and all your pictures and strange knick-knacks but chances are you will throw them in a box to move and that is where they will stay. Save yourself the time and effort and leave it at home.
2. Get involved!!
As soon as you realize everyone feels awkward, it’s a lot easier to start putting yourself out there. The only way to meet new people and experience new things is to get out there and get involved!
3. Prepare for the Freshman 15
Yeah cool, you played sports in high school and were in good shape, but the Freshman 15 spares no one. It may not be right away, but you will see it creeping upon you when you least expect it.
SEE ALSO: To The Incoming Freshman Who Was A High School Athlete
4. Read your syllabi!!!!!!
Yes, in high school it was the piece of paper that you shoved in a binder and never looked at again. Well, in college, your syllabus will become your life. It will hold all the important dates and information you may need. And yes, your teachers actually expect you to read it. (Some even give you a quiz for bonus points!!)
5. Don't skip class
College only works if you show up. You (your parents) are paying a lot of money, so at least go sit in your class and pretend to listen.
6. It's OK to admit that you're lost
If you move to a big college town, getting around can be difficult. Getting around your new college campus can be even harder. I wish I could go back and tell myself it’s OK to ask for directions instead of wandering around looking for buildings and classrooms for 30 minutes. Everyone has been lost at least once since being in college.
7. Don't wish it all away
It’s so easy to think about getting a real “big kid” job or getting married and having kids, but don’t wish your college years away. You only get a college experience once in life and you need to take full advantage of every opportunity you get!!