The new year is approaching fast and all that is left is to enjoy the upcoming holidays with family and loved ones. However there are a few things that you should consider doing before the year ends in order to start your new year on a good note.
1. Clean the clutter from your room (paperwork, receipts, old homework).
Removing any unnesscary clutter from your room allows you to have more room for next year's clutter! Okay, but seriously removing or going through all the paper work can help you organize the useful papers you may need for next year, and it can help you get rid of the unneeded papers (like your old chem notes).
2. Clean your closet.
I try to clean my closet at least twice a year because I love buying clothes and I always need more room for more clothes. However, starting the new year by removing all unwanted clothes can allow you to have more space and allow your style to grow and change. Also all your unwanted clothes can be donated to someone who needs it during the colder months.
3. Reorganize/redecorate your room.
I’m one of those people who get the random compulsion to clean and redecorate my room at three in the morning when I can’t sleep. Reorganizing your room can help you get rid of unwanted things and old bed sheets or blankets that you no longer use. You’ll be surprised by what can hide under your bed! Also, this is a good chance to clean out all the dust bunnies hiding around your room.
4. Make a list of goals you want to accomplish for next year.
Making a list of goals for the entire year can seem very broad because things can suddenly occur and cause drastic changes, but having a plan can help create stability and this can help you deal with those unexpected events.
5. Set your New Year’s resolution.
Everyone has a New Year’s resolution. Whether you want to curse less (which is mine), set up a workout schedule, eat healthier, or create better study habits, it is important to make your resolutions early on in the year.
6. Set a financial plan.
Planning how you want to spend your money early on can help you save. When you set saving goals it makes it easier to plan how you want to use your money and spend it or save it how you want.
7. Consolidate your relationships with the people in your life.
Starting the new year with animosity toward the people in your life can cause drama to occur, and this isn’t how anyone wants to start their new year. When you leave all your old baggage in the past where it belongs you can have a less stressful year.
If you follow these simple tips, the beginning of your year can be a successful and productive one!