Guys. I survived. And if you too are done like I am, you survived. I thought I wouldn't be able to make it but guess what, I DID! Now, I am enjoying my winter break. It is for sure going to be filled with relaxation... with a little bit of relaxation... and then some more relaxation. Here are some things I think you should do over break cause you deserve it!
1. Nothing. Seriously, don't even lift a finger.
The minute someone asks you to do anything, just straight up sock 'em in the face.
2. Pet your dog. Pet your cat. Pet your pet.
Your animal needs you and you need them, give them some long overdue love.
3. Binge a show.
Some suggestions for you: Penny Dreadful, Sons of Anarchy, Stranger Things, Portlandia, The Fall, and Shameless (suggested by my roommates). Watch them all in rapid succession.
4. Eat everything.
Chance to order pizza? Do it. Mom offers to make you a snack? Take it. There should be a piece of food in your mouth during every single minute of this break.
5. Hang out with family/friends that you haven't seen.
Or don't... cause you know.. the hermit life is the best life.
6. Read that book that you've been telling yourself you're going to read for the last three years.
And if you don't... there's always spring break!
7. Finally, scratch numbers 2-6 off this list and only complete #1. DO NOTHING! THIS IS TIME FOR YOU TO JUST BE IN THE WORLD!
Channel Oprah, she is living the life and you could be too.