I have lived my life thus far thinking about how horrible everything that happens to me is. Every little thing that goes wrong seemed to me like the end of the world. But that was no way to live my life. There is that one person in every room that swears thinking positively will lead to a positive outcomes. I never thought I'd be that person. But today, as I sit here about to graduate college and about to be thrust out into the real world, it is the only way I can get through life's little bumps.
1. All the negative people in your life come out of the dark.
When you're negative, you tend to surround yourself with other negative people. This negativity can be stifling and can bring you down. You know the type, the ones who complain and complain and blame things on everyone but themselves? Those are people you want to avoid. These are the people that, when an issue arises, will be the last ones to help you come up with a solution. And the first one to start pointing fingers. Now, do you really want someone like that in your life?
2. It could "always be worse".
3. The glass really is half-full.
"Life's what you make it, so let's make it rock!" Need I say much else?
4. There is always a solution to a problem, even if it is discovered in baby steps.
5. You find enjoying having more time to yourself.
6. You start to achieve more of your life goals.
Without putting yourself down, you are able to go for more things that you might otherwise not have gone for. Applying for that job you thought you'd never in a million years be picked for or talking to that person who you may think is way out of your league can yield more achievements and success in your life. They say you should dress for the job you want, not have, but they should also say you should put forth the positivity you wish to receive from the universe.
7. You're happier!
Fake it until you make it, so they say. And putting a smile on your face and finding the bright side may help you in the long run. Of course, sometimes you need a good rant or a good, long shower cry to get out your feelings, but once you get that out of your system, thinking positively moving forward will help you feel better, sooner.