Being the middle child in a family of three girls is quite possibly the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. It really doesn't get any better than being able to come into the world with two girls who are automatically your best friends.
They know you better than anyone and can tell if you're upset, happy or pissed off just by the slightest facial expression. So that means you have a constant shoulder to cry on, a forever cheerleader on your team and a source of laughter that can turn the worst of days around for the better without ever having to ask for it.
Sisters just know these things. It's so unexplainable yet absolutely undeniable. So here are 7 things you just know if you are lucky enough to call your sisters your best friends.
1. You know each other's style. Having a sister means that you know every little detail that makes up their style. Not only can they pick out outfits for you, but every gift of clothes they ever get for you is sure to be something that you love.
2. You know when they're upset but hiding it. Even if they are trying their absolute hardest to put on a brace face, you can always tell when your sister is upset about something. This means never having to ask for support and always having someone there for you when times are tough.
3. You know what kind of guy's they're into. From skater dudes to frat guys, you know what kind of guys your sister always seems to go for and which ones she should avoid. When you love a great guy she'll be the most supportive person in the world, but you bet she'll also be the first to tell you when you're dating a loser.
4. You know all of their favorite foods. Whether she's the cheeseburger loving kind of girl or has the biggest sweet tooth ever, you know your sister's favorite foods. This means having someone to bring you your favorite foods when you're sick, sad or simply hungry.
5. You know all of each other's friends. One of the greatest parts about having sisters is making friends with all of their friends. This makes big sleepovers even bigger and even more fun! Whether they're older and can offer you advice or younger and in need of a role model, it's awesome having so many new friends because of your sisters.
6. You know how to have a great time together. No one knows how to have a better time together than sisters do. From popcorn and movie nights at home to a nights out on the town, you can count on your sisters to make any night a night to remember.
7. You know they will always be your best friend. Friends come and go, but a sister is a lifelong friend, and that is what is so great about being best friends with your sisters.