It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Although unlike Charles Dickens, I'm not talking about France in 1789, I'm talking about roommates. They're your best friends, they've seen you at your worst, like when you're ugly crying while your drunk over your long distance relationship (is this too much information???) and at your best, like when you FINALLY crush that rap part in that one song. Here are 7 things you know are true if you have roommates.
1. They are the first people you go to for advice.
Sure, it's not always what you want to hear but the people you live with are the only people other than your family that are allowed to call you out when you are obviously being dumb. They keep it real with you no matter what.
2. There will be many marital fights.
You'll find yourself fighting about silly things, like who forgot to put a new roll of toilet paper in the bathroom (guilty as charged) and who used the last of the shampoo. They'll drive you crazy, like so crazy you'll find yourself wondering "when the heck did I get married to a psychopath??" and then you'll remember that you aren't even married.
3. They are automatic food run buddies.
At least 99.5% of the time, they're just as hungry as you are at 2 in the morning and since they live with you, they're like morally obligated to go get food with you. It's just the rules.
4. They will "mom" you so much it'll drive you crazy.
You never really moved away from home, just to another mom. They will be all up in your business asking you if you finished your homework, and "shouldn't you be studying instead of watching Netflix until 4 am?" It's a real and constant struggle.
5. You'll mom them back just as much.
If my roomie is out with a boy until 3 in the morning, you'd better believe that I am up waiting to chew her out for being out so late. In the morning, I'll ask all kinds of questions about said boy like "who, what, when, where, why, did he make a move on you, I'll kill him"-- usually in that order. You start worrying about them because you want to succeed in life and you'll be gleaming with pride whenever you find out that they're crushing life.
6. Their significant others are your significant others.
You learn all the gory and intimate details of their sex life, or lack of. Whenever they fight, you're the first one that gets screenshots and let's not forget ALL of the third wheeling you'll be doing (So. Many. Third. Wheel. Dates.) but you do it anyways because you love your roomie.
7. You'll never have to worry about losing them. If you can survive living with them, you can survive anything.
They'll drive you absolutely crazy about 98% of the time with their sass but they'll also be your very best friends.