Vacation is the time we look forward to the most during the summer. I've been at the beach for almost a week now, and I noticed a few things I'm doing this week that I would never do back home. Here are some things that you can only get away with when you're on vacation:
1. Not fixing your hair.
I've fixed my hair once this week, but mostly I've let it go. I would never do this back home, but apparently it's kind of the beachy thing to do.
2. Not wearing makeup.
But really, what's the point? No need to wear makeup when you have to wear sunscreen or worry about the pool or ocean messing it up. Plus, it's a good time to give your face a "cleanse" (or something like that).
3. Spending way more money than you normally would.
I would normally never spend $9 (yes, $9) on a milkshake back home, but "it's OK, I'm on vacation."
4. Posting a billion pictures throughout the day.
Yeah, I double (or triple) posted again today. Sue me.
5. Overeating.
Between going out to eat, eating snacks on the way there or going out for ice cream, I think it's safe to say we all eat a little more than we should on vacation.
6. Doing absolutely nothing.
At home it's called being lazy, but when you're on vacation, it's called relaxing. There's a Spanish proverb that says, "How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterward."
7. Walking around in a bathing suit.
At home, bathing suits are for the pool only. But here, you can wear them anywhere, and no one can judge you because they're all half-naked too.
Vacation is an acceptable time to do these things, because we absolutely deserve it. I'm dreading getting back to my normal routine of fixing my hair and eating healthy, but I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts. No judgment here because "it's OK, we're on vacation."