People say hindsight is 20/20. There are so many things I wish I would have known my freshman year. Being a freshman is pretty hard, y'all. From homework to campus organizations to attempting to have a social life, things can get pretty crazy. Every helpful hint can help you figure out the freshman life. I can't promise you that there is a secret formula to success, but I can tell you some tips that may help to save your sanity your first year at college. Here are the seven things I really wished I would have known my freshman year:
1. Sleep is key
I can't tell you how many nights I stayed up late working on assignments. To be real, if you are up at 3 a.m. working on assignment it will probably not be that good. Pulling an all-nighter to study? Tomorrow morning you will be so exhausted you can't remember anything you studied. Also, sleep is good for you. Your body needs sleep to function at tip top shape. Give your body the sleep it needs.
2. Limit your caffeine
Caffeine may seem like your best friend. You may think you can't live without it. Surprise, you definitely can! I got stomach ulcers my sophomore year of college and went without caffeine for a year. My body felt so much better once I cut caffeine out of my diet. Now, I know nobody wants to do that. My challenge to you is at least limit your caffeine intake to a couple cups a day. Your body will thank you!
3. Get to know your professors
Please get to know your professors. Most of them are amazing people that are awesome at what they do. They can be a great source of information and even life lessons. Looking back, I am so thankful for the wonderful professors I have had and how they have helped me develop as a student and an adult.
4. Breathe
Take time for yourself. Always remember to love yourself. College can get super stressful. Schedule yourself time for self-care. Whether your self-care is taking a walk, cuddling your dog, or watching a funny YouTube video, take time to take a break and breathe.
5. Learn time management
College is crazy. Your mind will end up being in twenty different places at once. Take a step back. Breathe. Make a plan. Learning how to manage your time is the key to success in college. You will have a lot thrown at you. Learning how to manage your time and get everything done will help you maintain a healthy work-school-life balance.
6. Try everything
College is full of a wide array of opportunities. Take every opportunity to try new things. You never know what you will fall in love with.
7 . Follow your passion
When you come to college, you may think you absolutely know what you what to do with your life. Be open to new paths and follow your passion. Do what you love, not what you think you need to do.
College is full of new experiences and exciting opportunities. Live your college life to the fullest and remember to love yourself!