Your college best friend is a forever friend. She's always there no matter what the circumstance is. She sees you at your absolute best and at your absolute worst, but she still manages to always be there.
Your college best friend goes through the craziest of emotions with you: from being overly emotional and crying over a guy you think you have feelings for, to seeing you get angry and want to shut out the outside world for a day or two. She's always there without any judgements and that's why your college best friend is one you'll have for life.
1. Being you.
The moment I met you, I knew we would be close. From laughing until we cried, to finishing each other's sentences after only hanging out a few times, I knew that I would be thankful to have you though this college journey.
2. Listening to all my boy issues.
Day after day, you listen to me complain about how extremely complicated and confusing boys are and how they fail to understand me. You just sit there and listen even through you're just as confused as I am.
3. Telling me that I deserve better.
Thank you for being there during my first heartbreak and helping me realize that I deserve better. You told me I was worth more and that I needed time to focus on myself. You constantly reminded me why I made the right choice for myself at this age. For that, I am forever grateful.
4. Always being down to go out or stay in with me.
From Tuesday, all the way to Saturday the late night question is, "Should we go out?" I know I can always count on you to stay in and Netflix or go out and rally with me. Texas Tuesday, Bent Wednesday, Cellar Thursday, and who knows what life brings Friday and Saturday. I know you'll always be right by my side.
5. Being down to get food with me...anytime.
Getting a daily text of "I'm hungry!" makes me get out of bed a good majority of the time. We grab food whenever one of us is hungry (usually pizza), even if the other one isn't. "I'm not hungry but I'll eat with you anyways," is part of our everyday vocabulary. I don't think I've ever been on as many dates with a guy as I've been on with you.
6. Basically having two closets.
Whether it's you coming to my place or me going to yours, I know that I have an unlimited amount of clothes to choose from. We don't even ask anymore because we know the answer is always going to be yes. I can say you're the first person I've ever let wear a new shirt that I haven't even worn yet...that says a LOT.
7. Being my sister away from home.
Thank you for being my sister at school. From letting me cry on your shoulder, to telling me what happened the night before and not judging me whatsoever, you're my person and I see you in my life forever.
To my college best friend that I met freshman year, you're one I'll never forget.