At Virginia Tech, we are united. And all of our shared frustrations unite us even more. If you go here, you will surely understand where I'm coming from; you might laugh, and you might cry but you will definitely agree.
1. When people call Virginia Tech, VTech.
Call it VT, call it Virginia Tech, call it anything you want besides VTech. We hate it.
2. Eduroam.
For some reason, the WIFI has always sucked here. They got the new Eduroam, but it hasn’t seemed to work any better so far.
3. When people ask if we feel safe here.
Yes, actually, we do. A shooting
that happened almost 10 years ago does not make us feel unsafe. It could happen
anywhere, and if anything, we are more prepared to act if it were to ever
happen again.
4. That everybody asks what a Hokie is.
Why do you need an exact definition of our mascot? This is a Hokie:
End of story.
5. When people assume we all hate UVA.
UVA is a great school. We may get a little competitive when it comes to the UVA-Tech football game, but every other day we have nothing but love and support for our “rival”.
6. Every time someone says our football team sucks now.
Our football team definitely ran into some trouble. But so far, we have won 3 out of 4 games this season. And we're probably better than you're football team.
7. Drop/Add.
The whole process of signing up for classes is incredibly stressful. You never know if you'll get all the classes you requested and need to take to graduate on time, and then you have to scramble add whatever classes you didn't get.